Monday, July 30, 2007

Sweet things

Blaine and I watched Isabel (my darling niece), and it was so fun. She is the cutest thing I think I have ever seen! And I must admit, it is fun to watch Blaine with her as she gets more animated and interactive--she loves him.

We had a bit of a scare last week with Blaine when he came home from work writhing in pain. I took him to the hospital, hoping it had nothing to do with his acid reflux surgery a couple of weeks ago... Turns out he had a kidney stone! Everything is fine now. He's doing great and is almost back to normal life. *Sigh* Isn't he handsome?

California Vacation

We had so much fun on our trip to Cali with the Carter fam. We spent a week in Newport beach at a fabulous beach house. I don't how many of you have had this experience, but there is really nothing better than to lay on the beach ALL WEEK LONG :)
I didn't get many pictures, but here are some great action shots boogie boarding in the Pacific.

The Happiest Place on Earth

We ended our Cali trip with some 3-day hopper passes to Disneyland! It was my first time on "Sourin' over California", and I think I almost cried it was so cool. BTW, have you ever seen two happier people? All it takes is a couple of churros and some mouse ears. And maybe a diet coke. And funnel cake.

Melissa's baby shower

Melissa's not due for a while (she's having a little girl!), but she's moving for Kentucky in just a few days. Sad. :( Anyway, we threw her a shower/going away shindig.

The "Gaming Wives Club".
Markelle, Me, Melissa, and Marisa.

Me, Melis, and Candice.

Why? (my very first blog)

After much debate and a lot of persuasion from my siblings and friends, I have decided to be a blogger--Not JUST because it makes me think of a lousy lumberjack, but because I've decided it may be time for me to embrace the great world of computer technology; because my sisters are right, I was never going to get into scrapbooking, myspace, or ldslinkup. Basically, I need an excuse to check up on friends, and keep everyone posted on our super-exciting lives (haha).