Anyway, to the point... This book is amazing! Blaine bought it for me when we were dating, and I open it up every once in a while to make myself feel better about spending most of my free time watching "my stories." Everything Bad is Good for You, by Steven Johnson is a (very thorough) look into the idea that Pop Culture is getting better, smarter, and more complex with age. Johnson disects various mediums, like TV, movies, the Internet, and the vast world of gaming, and basically says that despite what people may say and think about these "non-stimulating", "lazy" vices, people who partake of "smart TV", etc. are able to work through problems more creatively, and have been proven to me more social than those who don't... FASCINATING!
Okay, so I know I'm a really big geek, but hopefully, you other TV-a-holics will feel a little less guilty now too. :)
Oh-- and how freaking excited are all of you for The Office and My Name is Earl tonight?