Thursday, December 6, 2007

Christmas Music

Is it just me, or is there a lot of really crappy Christmas music out there in the big, wide, world? Now, don't get me wrong--I LOVE Christmas music--to a perverse degree. I have even been known to throw it on mid-year if I'm feeling a little down. (If you haven't done this, you should try it. It will do wonders for those August blues! Trust me.)

I think that I could really live the rest of life never having to hear "The Little Drummer Boy", or "We Three Kings" again. The same goes for "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" by Bare Naked Ladies and Sarah McLachlan. Yesterday, on my way home from school, I heard a version of "Last Christmas" that made me want to stab out my eyeballs... it was some new-poor-excuse-for Punk music band. Ugh.

So what do you all think? What are your least favorites? And if you think this is too negative for the Holiday Season, you can list your favorite versions too. :)


Elizabeth Moon said...

Well, I love the classics--hymns, Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and Bing Crosby, etc, and also the stuff like N*Sync, Jessica Simpson, and Celine Dion's Christmas albums. LOVE Christmas music!!!

Alifinale said...

I love the classics but I am starting to warm up to some of the new stuff (I actually like God Rest Ye...). But what I love the most is the oldies that we had on some old records growing up. If you get a chance to hear That Holiday Feeling by Steve Lawrence & Edie Gorme - think of me because it is my absolute favorite. And I have to contest, The Christmas Song sung by Mel Torme is by far my favorite version (again I grew up with that). Can you tell I love Christmas music way too much?

I will say that the crappiest is Christmas songs sung by the likes of Jessica Simpson and such (sorry above commenter). It just ruins it. But a non-traditional that I love is Blues Traveler Christmas.

Alicia said...

Ooh-- I like Blues Traveler Christmas too. And I LOVE the Dave Matthew Band Christmas song as well. Very cool.
I'm such a sucker for the old stuff too. I grew up on Bing, Karen, and Lettermen.

Michelle said...

I just like it when Billy Mack tries to squeeze an extra syllable into the last line... "If you really love Christmas, come on and let it snow!"

(At least Alicia knows what I'm talking about.)

Laurel said...

AND Andy Williams, hermanas... Anyway, I think my least favorite one so far this year is a "Last Christmas" by some chick thinking she is Sarah McLachlan, only crappier! Boo. Otherwise, I absolutely LOVE Christmas music. I have all my Christmas CDs in their own little CD book that I carry with me in my purse. Yeah, it's honestly the ONLY music I listen to the entire month of December. Love it!

staci said...

This is your old roommate from Raintree back in the day - Staci Kennard. How are you cute girl? I found your blog a while ago and have been a blog stalker, but when I read your post today I just had to comment. When you mentioned the song "Last Christmas" it just made me remember our little roommate Christmas party that we had and we watched the "Wham" music video to that song. Remember that?? Anyway, so fun! You and LaChae were such fun roommates! :)

Anyway, just wanted to say hey. I have a blog too you can check it out if you want: Leave me a comment if you want!! :)

Your blog is way cute and you look so happy! :) I'm happy for you!

Have a MERRY Christmas!!


Becca Jo said...

Ok! the all time worst song EVER is that Christmas Shoes one. I hate HATE HATE that song with a passion. I also love Christmas music. I love the carol of the bells and god rest ye merry gentleman (any version) I don't like the corny ones.

Alicia said...

Yes-- it's true about Wham! If you all haven't checked out this video, you need to. It will surely change your life. Great song. Horribly cheesy 80s video. A combination that works so well, it's scary.

Karin said...

I can't stand a version of "Santa Claus is coming to town" we have- right in the middle of it, it says "Santa's too busy to play because he's got millions of stockings to stuff on Christmas Day." Now really, is Santa too busy to play? Isn't that what it's all about- spending time with people???
Sheesh- see if I spend a whole $1 at Target for a Christmas CD again...

Anonymous said...

You gotta hear Chris Cornell (Soundgarden/Audioslave) take on "Ave Maria". It'll make you shed a tear while you rock!

Jen & George Scott said...

K- So I just got your Christmas card, and it is darling. I love it. It is hanging on my fridge. I think I will try to be on top[ of things next year and send a picture out. we'll see. You both look darling!!!