Saturday, July 26, 2008

John Mayer is still my Dreamboat

So VERY last minute--Ange called me up and asked if I was still planning on going to John Mayer with her. My brain doesn't work very well these days (I had totally forgotten all about it), but I obviously said yes. Good times had by all.
I have had a love/hate relationship with JM for a few years. I love his music, his lyrics; have heard most of his live stuff--you could pretty much call it obsession. Then, he hooked up with Jessica Simpson. I was crushed. Why couldn't he hook up with someone, well, more like me? Is that too much to ask? Then, Continuum came out, which I fell in love with. Personally, I think JM is way more talented than the douchbags on 101.9 say he is. He is an incredibly versatile musician, and can freaking wail on the guitar.
Well, this concert proved all of the above. It was very soul/blues-filled. He sang about four or five songs pre-Continuum... which I was okay with. It was great.
Bottom line: John Mayer is still my dreamboat.
I just wish he sold cute girl t-shirts that were of a reasonable size.
Me, Ang, Rochelle and Jamie
How do you like my fake smile?


Anonymous said...

Ehh...I dunno, the jury is still out. Apparently he rocks a mean guitar, but, "Your body is a Wonderland"? I dunno, Alicia, I just don't know...

Tony and Whitney said...

Hey- I was there too! It was a great show!

Angeler said...

Hey Sheesh, which one of us is pregnant? Oh wait, you are. I'm just big-boned.

Dottie Stay said...

You look so good, and I can't believe that you went to an outside concert. I would have melted and killed people around me. It is getting so close. I can't wait to see the little man!

Danielle said...

Yes. He is a dreamboat.

I like your fake smile. Just forget about it....your boobs look HUGE!!!
