Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Somewhere, Tomorrow

I don't know if you know this... but Sarah Jessica Parker had a career pre Sex and the City. I know, I know it is a little hard to imagine SJP as anyone other than Carrie Bradshaw, but there it is. She was all over the eighties: Square Pegs, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, Footloose and Somewhere, Tomorrow.

Oh? You don't know Somewhere Tomorrow? Well, don't feel bad; neither did I until tonight... even though I purchased said DVD for a dollar on a late-night Wal Mart trip years ago. This movie is awful-- like, so awful it's awesome. {Otherwise, why blog about it?}

Seriously, what's not love about a movie where a girl meets a boy who just crashed in a plane accident, gets thrown from a horse, meets boy again but he's dead now {Yeah-- I'm serious}, thinks dead boy is alive then finds out he's really a ghost whom she believes has been sent by her dead father to help get rid of her mother's boyfriend, discovers that really, mom just needs to move on and that maybe she should too, then discovers that by her self-discovery and coming to terms with her father's death that now her new dead-ghost boyfriend has to leave {you know, because he's fulfilled his mission or whatever}, but then-- {in the worst film transition ever} meets up with dead boyfriend in heaven, where she is told that she isn't done living... sooooo... she wakes up in the hospital with a new-found respect for life, and for no reason at all wanders down to the old-folks wing and sings them a horrifying song in her hospital gown, where in the greatest movie twist of all, formally dead-ghost boyfriend is wheeled in and they meet for the first time because um... I guess it was all a dream from when she was thrown from the horse in the beginning.
Like I said: Awesome.

Oh and there's a great scene where she and dead boyfriend are engaging in some tom-foolery while he is wearing a towel {nothing dirty--just playin' and flirtin'} and her mom walks in. Well, of course he has to drop the towel because c'mon--he's a ghost and mom can't see him but would probably be suspicious of a towel walking around her daughter's room by itself. Needless to say, hilariousness ensues and poor Sarah Jessica gets the giggles and confuses mother all the more.

Classic cinema. Genius dialogue. Totally worth the dollar spent and the 90 minutes I'll never get back.
{Oh Janey, where have you been?}


Alifinale said...

Oh, I can only imagine it. Thanks for the recap. I think I may just have to wait and watch it at your house because it sounds like with you is the only way to enjoy that movie.

Love the Janie shot too. I so wanted to be her when I was little.

tammy said...

Maybe I need to borrow that awesome movie.

Candice said...

I love that the DVD cover includes both the plane crashing and the horse. It almost gives away the plot.

dxeechick said...

sounds A-MAZING.

Laurel said...

WHY haven't I watched this with you??? Sounds awesome. :0

Scott and Megan said...

OH MY, G A Y ! This is unfortunately what i had to deal with growing up with 3 sisters ALL THE TIME. Sarah-Jessica-Horse-Face-Lame-A Parker is the nappiest, fugliest, whiniest, most conceited celeb i can think of. but i know people love her, i just don't understand??? U should stick to 'the boy in the plastic bubble'

Michelle said...

OH. MY. GOSH. I totally forgot about buying that movie. Didn't Laurel and I buy it for you?? Or did we just talk you into buying it?? I don't remember. But can I PLEASE watch it with you? I love SJP. Scott is a douche.

p.s. Is that a real picture of Candice or is that just the greatest Photoshopping idea EVER?

Markelle said...

my favorite part is the late night Wal-mart visit. That exact scenario is how we landed ourselves Short Circuit. good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Ok...I just had to laugh. I am the biggest fan of "Girls Just want to have fun" nonsense 80's movie. I remember debating with your dad about Sarah Jessica's bod and that of Selma Hayek's. I, of course, thought that Sarah's was way hotter...and, you know your dad's opinion. I totally love all of the dance scenes...etc. And, you'll have to ask your mom about "Adam taking a bite out of the apple...hahah!" One of the greatest things your mom has ever said. (hee hee) I'll have to check out this "cheesy" movie...Have to say it sounds a lot better than "Sex in the City" I can't stand that show!


Anonymous said...

This is unbelievable. I dare you to show me this movie.

Unknown said...

A couple of things. A)The post was hilarious and who could blame you for buying this movie with an awesome cover like that?! B)Why does Markelle have to bag on Short Circuit? I don't appreciate it and neither does Steve Guttenberg C)Doesn't SJP kind of look like a female version of Andy Dick? I'm just sayin'...

Lindsey said...

The way you write makes me laugh so hard! Hmmm. Normally your taste in movies is so immpecable. This one sounds like quite the departure from your normal taste :)

Candice said...

I stream a radio station out of L.A. which always gives breaking news of celebrity deaths. (I was the first in the office to hear about M.J) I just heard that John Hughes died. I thought you should know.

LEE BIEN said...

I am just now checking all your blogs. Sorry so late, but this post has made my day! In reference to Lara's comment, how awesome is it that sweet Sarah was almost paired with SATAN for Dance TV tryouts?