Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sarah is Three!

Sarah girl had a birthday. She is officially three and is officially wearing her sassy pants. She loves all things girly... especially fluffy skirts, her big girl panties, anything sparkly, and her new earrings. She loves being a "mommy" to her baby brother, and sings the very best made-up lullabies ever.
"Don't be sad... In the morning. Don't be sad... sweet baby. There's no such thing as the Sea Witch." (Hilarious!)
Oh, Sarah. I love you more than I know how to say.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Preschool Zoo Day

For our end of year field trip and the letter Z, we went to Hogle Zoo.
It was awesome and we only lost one kid (Jake)... and only for about a minute. (Still scared me to death!) Anyway, we were missing Lily and Ashleigh, but we had fun anyway.

Jake with his map.

Jake, Ty, Sarah, Hartley, and Molly.

Checking out the giraffes.

Everyone had fun on the carousel.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Baby Mark

 Just having fun with this sweet little baby boy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Easter

Easter seemed as good a time as any to take baby to church for the first time ever... well, that AND I already bought Sarah's Easter dress so we kind of HAD to go. :)
Anyway, here are my three kids after church in their Sunday best. Wow. I totally have THREE kids.

Sarah twirling. Love her.

These next few ones kill me... I just think it's so funny how oblivious Jake and Sarah are about Mark being sad.

Happy Easter!