Wednesday, August 15, 2007

"Girl time"

I spent a couple nights at Laurel's house while Blaine has been out of town in San Fransisco. We had a blast hanging out, shopping, going to lunch, playing with baby, and watching movies our husbands would rather stab thier eyes out than actually sit through... it was awesome!

Here's Isabel hamming for the camera and showing off her super cute outfit. I LOVE HER!
Michelle, Laurel and I went to lunch with cousins Robbie, Karin and kids (James, Anna and Elizabeth). Since I moved to The Great Salt Lake, I miss seeing my other family. Yay, Kemptons!

So, I don't know everyone's thoughts on Travolta in drag, but I promise, this movie is great! There are few movies in my life that have left me skipping out the front doors, still singing the soundtrack in my head (or sometimes out loud)... What a Girl Wants and Love, Actually come to mind... Movies that are so fun and so good, you call your mom in the car on the way home.
Two thumbs way up... fine holiday fun.


  1. Fun girl times! I just have to say that I love love love Hairspray but hated John Travolta in it. I just don't think he added anything to that character, in fact almost ruined it for me. But still loved it and love the music.

  2. Deron is leaving soon, and so can I hang with you girls!? That looks so fun! Take advantage of Blaine being gone, and enjoy the sisters! You are so dang funny! I love reading your blog!

  3. Hairspray was fantastic! Isabel even sang along the whole time! I kind of agree that John Travolta didn't "really" add anything. The thing that makes me not care any way or the other is learning that that particular role has always been played by a man. So on that note, I DO love him in general. Such fun sister days!!!

  4. Sounds like you had some really good girl time. I wish I was there!!! When my mom came to visit, we went to Hairspray and loved it. I have to admit that John Travolta made me feel really akward though. Glad you had some fun.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh.... Love Actually. One of the best movie experiences of my life. And I owe it all to you, Alicia.
