Sunday, August 26, 2007

Too many pillows!!

10 pillows are on the bed, can you find them all?

I was recently on a business trip to San Fransisco and had the good fortune to stay at the Luxurious (overpriced) Le Meridien hotel. Upon arriving at my 10th floor room, the first thing I notice is the extrenuous amount of pillows arrayed on the bed. For a second I thought I was at home but upon examining the prices associated with a 7.5 ounce bottle of macadamien nuts, I realized I was far from it. This leads me to a few questions.

1. Why???? What is the motivation to cover a perfectly good bed with enough pillows to construct a fort without actually making said fort? If the maid would have created a maze to go through to get into bed each night, I would have asked for even more pillows to be used. Unfortunately the descending size method was used which somewhat resembled this Brady Bunch picture.

2. At what point during the Industrial revolution did someone come up with the price of a "Throw" or decorative pillow? Maybe if there was a grundle of electronics inside the pillow, I could accept the reasoning for a $50 price tag.

Case in point.

Good ole Teddy Ruxpin. Now if every pillow in our house could do such things as lip sync to cassette tapes, I would be first in line to purchase more pillows. We could even start up a Ruxpin army.

3. Are pillows now sold in the same denominations as hot dog buns? Is there some new marketing ploy I'm not aware of that only allows pillows to be purchased in packs of 8-10? If true, I sure hope plasma tvs aren't far behind.


    Here is a link to a "special" pillow. This may be an exception under your #2 question since it does have a purpose.

  2. I hear ya on the ridiculous price for stupid throw pillows. But unfortunately, I have 9 pillows on my bed so I have succumbed to the crazy too-many-pillows fad. And I am one to only use one to sleep with, what is wrong with me.

  3. Wow - I always wanted a Teddy Ruxpin but "Santa thought that blue 'Star' sweatpants were a better choice." I can't fathom the utter joy of a whole army. At least I had a Puffalump. And a black Cabbage Patch Kid.

    But seriously, this is the best damn post I've ever read (no offense Alicia). But I do have to admit that I have 11 pillows on my bed. And 9 are for decoration.

  4. I know... Isn't my husband hilarious! I love him, (NO offense taken at all.)

  5. I WISH pillows were sold in multiples...! The price IS ridiculous, but somehow that hasn't deterred me from feeling like I still just don't have enough. Que sera, sera.

  6. Love the post. Who doesn't need more throw pillows though. I mean really. The price is lame, but thy add to much. I know. I need to stop with the buying.

  7. Next time you'll have to take your wife with you- then at least ONE more pillow will get used. (there, Alicia I put a plug in for you... hope you're invited on the next trip, but if not, we'll do lunch again. And I might even leave a kid or 3 at home...)

  8. Ha ha, Noah laughed. We have 7 pillows on our bed, 5 of which are just for looks and not to be slept on, something Noah will never understand!

  9. Wrong! Pillows are GREAT! I need at least 5. 1 for my head, 1 between my legs, and 3 to move around the house when the carpet turns to LAVA!

  10. I couldn't agree less. Pillows are pretty. And cozy. Why, I just bought 4 yesterday.

    I am, however, losing a related battle....decorative towels.

    Craig thinks I'm a total looney tune for hanging "don't touch" towels on the towel rod and putting the usable towels under the sink. Sad thing is, I'm starting to see his point, especially in our bathroom where the only 2 people who see my masterful decorating are he and I.

    I'm almost ready to let the towel rod be functional. But ONLY in the master, certainly not the guest bathroom.
