Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happy Birthday DeAnn!

We've been planning this forever. Mom told us that she would really like a "suprise party" when she turns 60. (I really don't know how it could be a suprise if she asks for it, but...) Well, we decided that 52 would have to suffice. My parents and Matt were dropping off Brett at BYU, and we figured it would be a great time for a party, even though her birthday isn't until the 24th. I love you, Marme!
Nope--this isn't Disneyland...
Melinda (our "other" sister) is the greatest! She actually does this for a living--she throws Princess Parties. She can be Belle, Ariel, Aurora, Cinderella, and Snow White. If you know my mother, you know that she truly believes she is Snow White. It was so fun to have her there...and hilarious to see everyone's reactions to a real life princess.

(Above) Alexa, Elizabeth and MacKenzie with Melinda. Alexa and MacKenzie are Cara Ray's cute little girls, and Elizabeth is Karin Hawke's

Cara with her new baby, Kaylie, and Lanae and Mike Sampson

(Left) Kevin and Robyn Luke with the birthday girl...We even made her wear a crown and badge.
(Below) Megan and Melinda. The Weird thing is, when Melinda is wearing her blonde Cinderella wig, these two look like twins!

(Below) Snow White and me. Really, this was better than Disney-land in one very important way...Snow White didn't make me feel like a 28-year-old weirdo who wanted to get her picture taken with her. I had a bad experience with my hero, Belle this last summer. :) "Is your Papa an inventer too?" "We do look alike, do you also love to read?" Thanks Belle...I feel like a freaking loser.


  1. I never doubted for a minute that you wouldn't put this on the blog. Love the pictures, and I even more loved being there with you all. You guys are my "other" sisters for sure! Thanks so excepting me. I will be the "other" sister as long as it is not in reference to the Juliette Lewis movie where she is a little "slow"

  2. ps did Megan tell you that I need some princesses on the 15th. Any chance I could get you to be princess Beauty!? Also, I need you to come to my house and look around, and give me some ideas. I need your expertise!

  3. Ha Ha you are so funny. What a fun party for Mama Lee. I have to hear more about this belle story when we go to dinner!

  4. I was TOTALLY thinking the same "other" sister comment Melinda was... Ha! We really did have the best time, didn't we? Alicia, thanks SO MUCH for allowing this fiesta to reside at your house. Especially with a doped-up husband in the basement who likes to pass stones in his spare time...

  5. How fun to have Snow White at your party! Very lucky a princess could attend. You guys are so cute, hope your mom had a very happy b-day!

  6. damn we have a cool family! i had such a blast! I love getting together but then it reminds me of how much I hate it when we're apart....sniff sniff love the post and laughed my arc off thinking of is your papa an inventor too? is your mother an evil step mother too? Do you sing to animals too and live with seven midget men? xoxo lol

  7. Happy happy birthday, DeAnn! I swear I have memories of already responding to these pictures- perhaps you deleted my lame-O comments... Thanks for letting us join the par-tay and a big thanks to Melinda for rivaling Jimmy for Elizabeth's highlight of the weekend! She is STILL so excited! Oh, and if you notice an off odor in your room, check under the bed, chances are a cherry tomato rolled under there...
