Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Clearly, I have some serious issues...

Today in my class, I actually told one of my "darling" students that he was "shunned", and could no longer talk or comment for the remainder of class until he was "unshunned."

I'm not really sure what this means... Either I am a horrible teacher (probably), this kid needs to get out of my class due to his lack of understanding what kind of things are allowable to "share" in an educational environment (most likely), or I am way-overly-embarressingly-excited for September 27th, when the greatest show, THE OFFICE comes back to television (definitely).

Hooray for Dwight Shrute and his very weird and hysterical meanness toward anyone but Michael.

Hooray for Michael G. Scott and the fact that I can say I once worked for and also had a horrific boss (Gary) who rode a bike around the office while we were on sales calls, and once "pretended" to fire me... (No, seriously, this REALLY happened, and he thought it was hilarious. He told me I was caught stealing cash from someone, and I was fired. I was deciding whether to begin crying or fighting, and he started laughing his a$$ off...)

Hooray for Drew--who is so much funnier than Andy.

And hooray for Pam and Jim!!! I've been waiting for this moment for three seasons, and I can't wait.

I love great TV. Bring it on.


  1. Holy cow your face in that picture on laurel's blog is so freaking funny! It was the first thing that I noticed.

  2. Yeah, I JUST decided that if I am scheduled to work that fabulous upcoming evening, I am calling in dead.

  3. I am oh-so-excited I can hardly stand it! I heard a horrible horrible rumor that Dwight might not stay on the show...I think the show would die without him. Oh I can't wait to see what happens with Pam and Jim! I love it!

  4. In regards to your current survey:
    Greatest Male Comedian of all time?
    Conan O'Brien

  5. How in tha name of all that is good and holy could I leave off Conan? Clearly I am putting together these surveys too quickly.

  6. Holy crap! I totally forgot that Gary pretended to fire you. How have we not talked about this in light of The Office?? is sucks. I wonder if they're still in business?

  7. I just typed a comment to you and I think I sent it to the wrong place. Now that's a surprise. Anyway, the main thing that I want to say is that if Jim and Pam don't get together then I don't think I'll watch the show any more. Seriously. After they killed off Michelle and Tony on 24, I'm a little rattled. What's wrong with these people? Don't they know that we love happy endings?

  8. You talking about the OFFICE and ah-ha is so real and funny. Gary, Gary, Gary... what a nerd bucket. I am excited for next Thursday!!!!

  9. I hope Pam and Jim kiss on the mouth. For reals this time too instead of her icy heart pulling away from him.

    Craig and I can't wait either. We've been re-watching all of Season 3 to hold us over.

    2 more days!!
