Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Denver and stuff

Apparently I'm boring. Thanks Michelle. :) Actually I really am boring. It's my last day of UEA (Ultra-Education-Away-time... I've been on a break from teaching for a whole SEVEN days now, thanks to Blaine's Denver business trip. Yay!) So I'm stuck sitting on my kitchen counter, watching Gilmore Girls on TV, waiting for my floor to dry. (Ooh! Lane and Zach just got engaged-- love this episode!) It's been forever since I've mopped and Quick-Shined my floors, and I thought today's the day... way too much information... whatever.

Anyway, I had BIG plans for the blog and our Denver trip, but instead I suck; I didn't do a great job of taking pictures, and I was totally sick for a majority of our trip. Seriously, I didn't even leave the hotel the first day we were there. Oh well, it really was a great trip--very relaxing and good for my sleep deprivation. :) When I did exit the hotel, it was to venture out to the Park Meadows Mall. A.k.a.: the greatest mall I've ever been to... Very cool, hip mall with every great store imaginable--including Sephora! Hooray! Anyway, the amazing thing about this amazing mall, is that it had amazing sales. Apparently, no one shops sales out in this part of Denver. According to Uncle Steve and Aunt Kristin, it's just not "cool" to shop the sales... very wealthy area. Needless to say, I went a little nuts. I love a good bargain.

And yes, we did get to see some of the Denver Kempton Clan. Steve, Chase and Cole met us for breakfast early Saturday morning. I LOVE these guys! Steve has been a Lee favorite forever. His hilarious, mostly off-color comments have a tendency to be immortalized by us. I guess crude humor breeds more crude humor. We love Steve.

Sadly, these are the only pictures we came home with. They were taken on the rental-car-commuter...On the way back to the airport, of course. :) At least Blaine is sporting the latest Beanlee from Megan.


  1. You're hilarious. At least the two pictures you DID take turned out well. :) By the way, I just watched that Gilmore Girls episode, too. I had never seen it before! Hooray for Zach and Lane! Love you.

  2. moved to tears by the support of the beanlees...we missed you over the weekend but glad you had a good time and caught up with t he inappropriate kemptons..you'll have to update us on their happenings..you are awesome thank you for your texts..i look forward to them everyday like a little present....that sounded lame

  3. You're still on break? I'm so in the wrong school district. Anyway - I'm glad to hear you had fun. We definitely need to hit up that mall. By the way, I love your justification for shopping. Like, you're allowed to spend more money if everything's on sale. (I'm the same way though, Brad always hates it when I shop 'cause I never start off by telling him how much I "SPENT", just how much I "SAVED")

  4. p.s. I would take back the "you're boring" comment... but as Billy Crystal says, "It's already out there."

  5. Glad you had a great time! We missed you over the weekend. That sounds like a nice break! Sorry you were sick, that is NO fun! Totally wished I could have been with you at that mall! No sale is ever bad!

  6. I totally forget to take pictures when I am busy out of town or have visitors then I get so sad that I blew it. O-well. Glad you had a great trip of relaxing and shopping.

    And thanks for the GG reference. I miss them even though I know I can watch them in reruns and DVD, I just miss them.
