Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Voting Day

Well it's November 7th... the day after "voting day".
I'll be honest with everyone, I've never been this passionate about an issue before. I guess I'm getting old. Blaine and I felt very duteous as we went to the polls last night. Both of us were suprised at the numbers out voting, as well as our elation in doing our "civic duty." It was kind of cool.
So the good news (to me, at least) is that Referendum 1 failed in the polls yesterday. Hooray! Those that talk to me often know this has been a heated topic for me for quite a while. Needless to say, I am a happy girl.
What I find myself dissatisfied with are the results of the East/West district split. Being a west-sider for a majority of my life, I realize that I'm a little biased. I've felt the wrath of a certain "east-side-mentality" on several occasions that I find ludicrous. However, there is also prejudice on the flip side too--I'm not naive enough to be blind to that fact. I just don't understand what Utah and Jordan School District are going to gain by empasizing this mentality and going ahead with this division.
The worst part of it all is that yesterday, only the East could vote on the issue. The West had no say. Hmmm... interesting. Well, apparently, there are lawsuits in the works now, and this is an issue we haven't seen the last of yet.

P.S. (On a lighter note) Very intersting results on the "favorite season" poll last time. :) Overwhelmingly, fall is everyone's favorite season...and NO votes for either spring or winter? Wow!


  1. I now feel even guiltier having not voted yesterday. You can hate me now. Honestly though, I was going to vote against it to support my teacher sisters. I think we should be even more mad at Michelle for not voting, 'cause SHE'S A TEACHER! Ha! I'm glad it didn't pass. Good luck with the whole East/West issue.

  2. Well look at you getting all involved and political. I am very impressed. I am not so good with politics and stuff (I hate it) but I do think it very important to vote and I am so glad there are people who care.

  3. All about voting... but on another note, how exactly did you come up with this new poll? Are these issues you struggle with, or just things you've noticed "others" do???;)
    love you!

  4. Well I am guilty of a few of these... I'll let you decide which ones. :)

  5. Alicia you in a voting booth brings m e to tears. I couldn't be more proud. That is a beautiful thought. xoxo

  6. I'm glad you, me and Cho talked forever ago about Ref. 1. It was a hot issue and I'm glad I had an understanding of both sides.

    And I totally agree on the district split. The "East side," "West side" inferno doesn't need any more gasoline.
