Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's a baby!

Okay, so it's hard to see and it really looks more like a gummy bear right now... but there he/she is--with little flippers and everything.
We are so excited!
We had our first docter appointment last week, heard the heartbeat, and decided to make it public: We are pregnant. About 9 1/2 weeks pregnant. Due date: August 28th. We can't wait!


  1. Congratulations Alicia & Blaine! What exciting news! You will have such fun with this new little one on the way! How are you feeling?

  2. Yeah!! That is so exciting! You will be amazed how much you can love one little person!! I'm way excited for you!

  3. Awesome, I have been waiting for this to go public so that I could say, "Congrats!!" Look at us all grown up and having kids, who would have thought?

  4. I am soooo excited!!!! We can be pregnant together. You are two weeks before me, so please call me and tell me what is coming. I love the picture. I have no idea what is going on in it, but it looks like it is going to be a darling baby!!!!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is so exciting. Oh being pregnant is such a crazy rollercoaster - milk it for all you can now because second time around you can't milk it quite as much. You gotta read The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy - hilarious.

  6. Yeah for babies :) Congrats! How are you feeling? I love summer babies (probably since all three of mine have summer birthdays).

  7. I'm actually feeling pretty good. I haven't thrown up at all--though I have felt a little nauseated. Just wicked tired. Like, all the time. And I'm ALWAYS hungry.

  8. hall-e-freakin-lujah! Congrats and I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see what genetic specimen is created by a couple of my favorite people!!!

  9. Congrats!! No wonder you hate teaching right now, it sucks when you are super tired and there are a bunch of students all around. Good luck! Summer is good, I was never so lucky!

  10. Hurray, hurray! What an exciting announcement! Seems like great timing with the school year and all. I'm so happy for you two!

  11. I love baby gummy bears!!! Especially because in all likelihood it is going to grow into a baby! We can only hope. :) I am so unbelievably excited for you guys!

  12. Congratulations! I'm so so excited for you guys. It really is perfect timing. I'm totally jealous that you get to stay at home with him/her/it. Maybe I'll just recruit you as my sub next year.

  13. I am SO happy for you guys! Hope to see you soon for Rob's wedding... :)

  14. Congrats Congrats!! I am so so excited for you guys! I am so glad that you haven't been feeling sick. That makes a world of difference!

  15. Holy flippin cow!!!! No way! That is awesome! Alicia and Blaine going to be parents!!!! WOW!! You guys are going to be the coolest parents on the planet...

  16. Val and I refer to this stage as the "Limabean-Dinosaur State"...still cute as a button though!
    He/She is a lucky little devil, thats for sure!

  17. Happy, happy, zipadeedoodah day! I'm thrilled for you both and for this new blessing in our lives. Look out: Mama is coming for an extended August visit!
    Love, Mom

  18. YaY!!!!! Congrats. I can't wait to see you prego. I am so happy for you! When can I see you and rub your (soon to be big) belly in person? Yay!!! Yay!!!

  19. Congrats! Sean and I are excited for you...we need to get together soon with Vegor and Erin! I will call you!

  20. YEAH!!!! I am soooo excited for you! This is great news. I tried calling you the other day, but then realized you were in class and hung up cuz I got scared. Anyway, I love you and miss you and am so excited for you! I hope you are feeling well. Our kids will only be 5 months apart! Hooray!

  21. How exciting! Can't wait to meet the little babe. You will be a cute preggo. Love ya!

  22. Congrats! How exciting! Having a baby is awesome. Good luck!

  23. Congratulations! You will make such good parents. How wonderful for you!

  24. Hey girl, I am so happy for you. What a neat experience to be holding a little miracle in your belly. Looks like life is going well for all of you. I love looking at he pics and catching up on your life. Have you been feeling sick or is it pretty smooth sailing?

  25. I haven't said it yet, but I'm pretty excited for you guys! You're gonna be a fun set of parents.

    Totally unrelated, but I was hoping you'd do me a favor. The next time you go to school, even though you're with child now, I want you to run towards your classroom before 1st hour and yell "I won't count ya late!"

    The thought makes me laugh every time.
