Monday, February 4, 2008

Isabel tribute

Well, if you've looked at my sister Laurel's blog, you know that Isabel just had her first birthday. I know I'm a little biased, but this is the prettiest, smartest, most fun little girl in the world.
Laurel was smart enough to make Isabel her own cake. This is how it started...
And how it ensued...
What a mess! I love this girl.
Doing her "so big" trick.

The real cake. Well done Rojo!
These are a little older, but I couldn't resist posting them in my only niece's tribute.
I love her laugh. :)


Melissa Sebourn said...

Little girls are the best! I love Isabel :)

Alifinale said...

She is a cutie. And how lucky to be the only neice for a little while at least. I am sure she can't wait to get a little cousin!

Laurel said...

Alicia, you are such a good auntie!!! We love you so much and can't wait to meet this cousin for Isabel. I love all these pictures you took and am very thankful for the tribute. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Very, very, very cute. (And I'm sorry my photo is scary on this cute blog).

Alicia said...

I only hope our little one is half as cute and Isabel!