Thursday, March 27, 2008

The "I Suck" Tag

So Alison tagged me with this a few days ago. 20 reasons why I suck. It's been fun to think about. Enjoy!
(In no particular order)

1. I have had a problem with being on time to things since I can remember. My dad calls it: "chronically late".

2. I tend to get hurt feelings easily, but only by people who really know me-- you know, the ones I really love.

3. Since being married, I have discovered that I can be a bit "emotionally needy". I need Blaine to tell me he loves me all the time. I can't go to sleep at night if I don't hear it.

4. Like Alison, I am really addicted to TV, yet, I totally think it's normal to be this obsessed with "my stories".

5. I do my make-up in the car ALL the time... doesn't matter if I'm driving or if it's Blaine. I'm freakishly good at it.

6. I love Mexican food. Specifically, Cafe Rio and Bajios. I'd have it every meal if I could. Especially lately (I blame pregnancy).

7. I blog while teaching. Crappy huh? At least I do it while my students are reading at the beginning of class. Nope-- I still suck.

8. I am over-analytical about most things. Mostly about things I have no control over. Like, how I much I hate the Dee-jays on 101.9, and plot lines (or the lack of plot lines) in television.

9. I am completely obsessed with the history and progression of pop-culture. It seriously fascinates me. I could devote an entire master's thesis on this (I'm serious). Blaine has to constantly put up with me talking about the intelligence (and lack of intelligence... i.e. Reality TV) of what I watch and read. I'm a post-modern junkie.

10. I'm really mean about Blaine's recent night-time teeth grinding. I've dealt with the sleep-walking, the talking, etc, but I can't take the teeth-grinding. It makes me insane.

11. I love to eat out. We eat out or get take-out more than I care to admit.

12. I goof off during church. Especially during Sacrament meeting. It's the last meeting for us, and I seriously can't sit still. I always make Blaine play hang-man with me. Yeah-- I'm 29. What's wrong with me?

13. I have been addicted to diet coke for more than a decade. For a while there I completely lost my taste for it (thank you, pregnancy), but it is back! I've also been getting some wicked headaches due to miniature baby, and asked my doctor about it. He first told me to take Excedrin, but at my last visit we talked again about the "diet coke saga" and he told me to drink a can a day. Hooray!! He said he'd rather have me drink it than take all the Excedrin and Tylonol. Needless to say, I am a happy girl.

14. So far this year I have called in sick for two vacations, and plan on doing a third in about a week, when we go to Washington D.C. I don't even feel remotely bad about it.

15. I totally favor my nice, polite, respectful students above the rude, tantrum-throwing ones. I don't feel bad about this either.

16. I'm cheap. And getting cheaper all the time. I rarely pay full-price for anything, and I always want to know I got a good deal.

17. I love clothes. I recently cleaned out my closet and traded sweaters and knee-boots for flip-flops (something I look forward to twice a year). Well this time I also re-organized to accommodate for maternity-wear (Thank you Val and Laurel!). I was depressed to see how much I can't wear, but also excited about the prospect of buying new stuff. It's a sick-twisted world I live in.

18. I love purses. Apparently I have since I was little.

19. I have an obscene amount of make-up. I worked in cosmetics for about three years and accumulated a ridiculous amount. I've been trying to purge what I don't use for years but I just can't get rid of it. Especially my lip-glosses--probably because I keep on buying them.

20. I'm okay at the daily prayer thing, but I suck at reading scriptures. I just got a new set for my birthday with my name on them and everything. They are too pretty not to read--we'll see how it goes.

I tag: Becca, Markelle, Dee and Melissa.


  1. Do people really NOT play hookie during Sacrament Meeting? Just wait until your said miniature baby comes to church with you and you "excuse yourself" from the chapel more often than not. Isabel is just starting to make it through the whole meeting sometimes and I feel cheated. Who sucks? I DO!

    Love you, Alicia!

  2. I also hate the Djs on 101.9 The end. But doesn't that mean that they suck?
    Not us.


  3. You are hilarious! I loved reading this, made me laugh. And it reminded me of the stake conference episode you got to watch . . . I really wonder if church is worth it sometimes. (Oh, that wasnt good, huh? I suck too!)

  4. I love it! You are hilarious and I don't care how old you are but hang man in sacrament meeting is fun times. It is better than my husband who texts. I miss your obscene amounts of make-up. I'll take some off your hands if you need to purge - or is that too gross?

  5. I suck too, and I had a hard time limiting this tag to 20 things...quite an eye opener. LOVE IT!!

    And, by the way, if I hadn't said this before, you suck too, and I love every way you suck!!!

  6. This is freakin' awesome. If only every doctor could "prescribe" Diet Coke... the world would be a happy happy place.

    And about Sacrament mtg, since I don't get to sit by Brad anymore, I've started playing games with myself, like making a list of alphabelical movies, songs, or people I know (in my head)... it's a good way to cock my head and appear interested, but my mind is somewhere much less dull. I'm going to Hell.

  7. You are hilarious. Your Suck list is full of silly quirks that make you fun to be around. Oh, and I am glad that I am not the only one obsessed with tv and eating out.

  8. Despite all your faults, I still love ya;)

  9. While we're confessing, a few weeks ago Matt and I were bored in Sacrament Meeting and so we wrote names (Brother A vs. Brother B) and had each other guess who would win if they got in a fight. Not my proudest moment, but it was kind of funny.

  10. Once I learn the people's names in my ward (other than the celebrity look a like's I have tagged them with) I am going to do Sacrament Mtg fight club duals too. I think I love that Idea. I knew there had to be something more than candybars and shots to get me through...

  11. You really do have an insane amount of makeup. But your collection and your talent for applying it has served me well over the years.
