Sunday, April 6, 2008


I've been bag-tagged. This is such a hilarious tag and very telling of personalities, don't you think? Anyway, here is my life. Pathetic, 'eh?

2 pairs of sunglasses
1 sunglasses case
1 planner/calendar
1 wallet... the usual contents
1 pay stub
1 Costco receipt
2 paint swatches
1 fruit leather
1 bandaid
1 novel
2 M.A.C. compacts
2 lotions
1 bottle of Excedrin
1 bottle of mystery over-the-counter pain pills
1 pepper spray (my dad bought it)
1 pen
1 Sharpie
1 Tide-to-Go stick
1 package of graham crackers
2 hair rubber-bands
1 almost empty package of gum
1 concealer
1 blush
8 lip glosses (SERIOUSLY!)
1 lavender essenial oil
1 container of Ice-Breakers
1 package of Kleenex
3 bobbie pins
1 tooth Brush-Up
1 hands-free connecter for my cell phone

*Disclaimer-- On a weekday, we'd also probably find my cell phone, i-pod shuffle, and bottled water. Wow, that's a lot of crap.

I tag: Michelle, Laurel, Megan, LaChae, Jacki, Kendee and Sharri.


  1. Your purse is a magical, wonderful place.

    Also, I wanted to tell you that Secret Life of Bees on your Shelfari bookshelf is one of my very favorites. I think any girl who has a mom should read it.

  2. I am so embarrased about my own bag! Your purse makes me feel like a Bachelor walking around with a handbag! I am surprised you only had 8 lipglosses!

  3. hehe I laughed at your mystery bottle of pain pills. ***For those of you who don't know, Alicia mixes all her pills into one convenient bottle. One time I had a headache and you should have seen her sorting through her pills trying to figure out which one was the Tylenol!

  4. YES! Your bag makes me laugh. You could live for days on its contents... and look pretty, too.

  5. So funny! I use chapstick like you use lipgloss. Love it!

  6. Holy crap, that's a lot of items! Doesn't everyone have 8 lip glosses at any given time?

  7. oh that tag looks fun, I'll have to really get to work on that...I love your purse (s) how you feeling any photos you need taken??? xoxo

  8. Love the purse tag. I am terrible at doing tags! I want you to put togther a purseof fun for me! Good thing you did the tag now. No tampons in sight. That was a little too personal wasn't it!

  9. Ha ha, my quote un-quote purse is actually a diaper bag and contains such wonderful things are nursing pads and baby gas drops!!

  10. also I just took your quiz and I had to vote for Chunga I've lived in Kentucky for almost 9 months and I STILL HATE chunga.

  11. Only 8 lip glosses?
    Back in the 3rd grade you and Cheree Westfall had like 212 each!
    You've slowed down, Lee, way down!

  12. Too bad you'll have to tell your mugger: "hold on one second.. I know that pepper spray is in here SOMEWHERE..."

  13. And I'd be disappointed if you cleaned it out and started over. To thine own self be true, lipgloss and all. You're the best.
