Tuesday, April 15, 2008

District of Columbia

Well we are back from D.C.
Blaine and I were lucky to enough to venture "back east" for another Franklin Covey training, but we were really lucky to have Blaine's parents, Steve and Chris come with us. We had so much fun! I may have gone a little nutty with all the pictures... oh well, right?

I love this picture. Chris and Steve amid the Cherry Tree Festival.
That's the Jefferson Memorial in the backgroud.
Pretty 'eh?

I know it's lame to take pictures of the public transit system, let alone blog about it, but c'mon the Met is pretty freakin' cool. I felt like I was in Gattaca.
Okay-- I HAD to post about this. I was dying to go to the Phillips Collection so I could see a real Renoir, Monet, Degas, Van Gogh, Matisse and Manet. I was like a little kid seeing elephants in the zoo for the first time. Seriously awestruck and giddy... but the one that had me almost jumping up and down was Renoir's "The Boating Party". We laughed at a man who, talking to himself said it was "magnificent" and "full of joy", but seriously, does art get any better than this? This was the painting I came to see. Renoir is my man.
D.C. Temple. Beautiful and Ginormous.
The White House. Actually, the "West Wing" to be exact.

WWII Monument.
I was really suprised at the sense of awe and reverence these momuments evoked. In many of them I really felt like I was standing somewhere sacred.

Jefferson Memorial.

Lincoln Memorial.
This is the only picture of Blaine and me on this trip. Good thing it's with Lincoln. :)

Washington Monument.
Iwo Jima Memorial.
This is pretty impressive in person. It's so much bigger and emotional than I thought it would be. Mount Vernon.
So cool. I'm really glad we made it out to George Washington's estate. The grounds were beautiful and the house was amazing. 40% of the mansion is actually orignal.

Washington's gardens. Among all the incredible things he did and accomplished, he considered himself a farmer.
I do wish I had some blogging proof of our visit to The Holocaust Memorial/Museum. Although it's really not the place you flash a bunch of pictures. My phone rang while we were there and Blaine said I was going to hell. If you are planning a trip to D.C., I really think that EVERYONE should go see this. I truly believe it's important to see what we as humans beings are capable of doing to each other.


Anonymous said...
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Cara said...

What a fun trip - I have pictures of me in all those places when I was five. I'd love to go back sometime! I did get to go to the Holocaust museum in Israel and it was such an unbelieveable experience, definitely a place everyone should visit!

Danielle said...

WOW! You are married to Blaine. That just really hit me..

Cool trip- I'm totally jealous, and that is my deal or no deal, take me before I die- trip. Jon better get a clue...

I LOVE the coffered celing in public transit. I would've taken that same picture.


Alicia said...

Yeah... Remember when he fell in that whole thing when the three of us were hanging out like YEARS ago? We laugh about that all the time.

Tony and Whitney said...

How fun! I will be there in a couple of weeks, and I can't wait! It's one of my very favorite places to visit. I also agree, the Holocaust Museum is one of the most important places to visit. I don't know if you teach Parallel Journeys, but the woman (Helen) is one of the people with name cards at the beginning, and you can also hear her voice in the room where they are telling the stories. In fact the people who put together the museum are the ones who told her what actually happened to her husband. She had no idea he'd died until the historians figured it out about 15 years ago.

Markelle said...

Sounded like you guys had a blast! I love the pic of chris and steve too. I hope one day I will be able to see all that!

oh and that is not like you to only get one pic of you and Blaine!

Laurel said...

I LOVE all these pictures. I was out last night taking pictures of the snow-covered cherry blossoms in my backyard, too! And I definitely think you need to frame a copy of that picture of Blaine's parents for them. They would love it.

As for all the amazing monuments, I now want to see them even more. Jason's Grandpa Keith actually witnessed the flag raising at Iwo Jima, so that has always been incredibly special to his family. I'm glad you guys got to see so many fabulous things!

(And HOLY COW!!!, with all the art you got to see. I'm soooo jealous!)

Dottie Stay said...

Love DC!! It is my most favorite plaace to visit. we took the boys last year and it was the best thing we have ever done.

LEE BIEN said...

My children are such fabulous photographers! (Dave would say you got that trait from him, (as in "Alicia in the swing") But honestly! Those rival your pictures of New York. You really did catch a sense of what was there. By the way, what is the deal with the Boat Party painting? Isn't there something about he painting himself in there, or was it someone else? Great post.

LEE BIEN said...

Hey English teacher, fix my grammar on that last comment, please. He, him, whatever.

Angeler said...

Honest Abe. I love that guy. And the inscription on the inside of the monument is so inspiring.

This is the first time I've seen someone's pictures of DC and not felt homesick. I guess that's a good sign. ;)

JethRobyn said...

First of all I must say, any picture with Lincoln is a great picture. I love love all of the cherry blossom photos, they are gorgeous. The tunnel shot was awesome too! You are looking so cute, and barely pregnant!

Karin said...

Awesome, awesome. I miss "home". That Washington Monument shot is fabulous!!!

Becca Jo said...

I LOVE D.C Umm how come you are always doing really fun stuff?

Becca Jo said...

haa haa just read the other posts. I know the "Alicia in the Swing" pic and I knew that your dad was proud of it. funny

Jen & George Scott said...

SOOO fun. I have always wanted to go there. You always take the BEST pictures.

Melissa Sebourn said...

What a fun trip, you are such a talented photographer. Love it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That subway pic blew my mind! Are you snapping all of these? Beautiful!

Michelle said...

Dude - I'm sorry I called you while you were in the Holocaust museum. At least we can hang out together in Hell :)

Great pictures!

Scott and Megan said...

sup? I didn't even know you went! How fun and awesome! They look very familiar...we did that trip when my parents were serving a mission there...Scott's first time and he loved it...I wanted more pictures with a better shot at your belly

Alifinale said...

I love all the pictures and how lucky to be there when the cherry blossoms were out! I love DC. There is so much to see and do there - we were there 4 months and didn't get to see everything. It truly is an amazing place.

The holocaust museum is truly humbling and I agree everyone should go there. Oh, this was so fun to see and it makes me want to go back!

Derek and Shar said...

We are coming home sometime in July I hope. We will have to get together fro sure! When are you due?

Alicia said...

Not due until August 28th. Plenty of time. :)

Danielle said...