Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shhh it's private

Okay, so my title is really nerdy, but really--what do you all expect from me? Well, thanks to two of my little darling students, I have decided to go private with the blog.

I've had these two boys two years in a row now, and am beyond annoyed. They are obsessed with my personal life--most specifically, Blaine. He came in a couple times last year, and they think he is the coolest, greatest, manliest, handsomest man in the world. I can't say I blame them, and really, their obsession would have been pretty entertaining for a month or two, but they've been relishing in this obsession now for about two years. Today they more than crossed the line while they were supposed to be working in the computer lab... I hear manic laughter coming from them and then when I ask them what's going on, they announce to the class what my blog address is.

Needless to say-- I really don't want my students looking into my personal life. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hate this.


  1. Oh man...that sucks. Well, at least you have the opportunity to make it private. How did they find it anyway?

  2. I just caught up with your blog... I have been kinda out of it lately - no surprise there!

    Congrats on the boy!!! You will love having your oldest be a little man. It is the best. My little Lake is a TON of fun. Sure love you dude!

  3. Sorry about the private blog thing. I suppose their attention is really a backhanded compliment, but you do what you have to do. By the way, Brett got transferred today to Casa Grande (hot) but he's in a car (cool).

  4. Awwww....cute little stalkers. Congrats! ;)

  5. I would be so irritated. Hey my mom just told me that she was Alta and they had a gas leak and had to close school. You could have stayed out longer with us on Monday night. Also if you want me to abuse any of your students let me know!!!!

  6. Can I see your privates? That's my private blog joke. Kinda wolfgrammy- but whatever...

  7. I left, and came back to say I'm still laughing because I think I'm so funny...

    somebody should remind me- I'm sad because of the jokes. If you come to this wedding thing, I'll tell you my miscarriage joke. It's not very appropriate for any setting, so let's tell it at the wedding :)

  8. Dude that sucks. I've been scared that's going to happen to me too. I guess it's wise to go private; it's just a pain.

  9. No offense, Blaine is the SECOND coolest, greatest, manliest, handomest guy there is. :) There. I said it.

    Love you!!!

  10. They are all jerks! Well, except for the few who are not. But hey, you only have one month and a little more left!! Are you ready?

  11. you always have so many comments on your blogs. You are so popular - and can't help it if the boys think you're hot. I think you're hot and feel happy I have the VIP pass to your blog. It's hard being famous and wanted.

  12. thanks for the invite...those little bastards:) can you blaine them? get it? blame them? ha ha blaine is so cool i love to stalk him too..ok not really , but I do love to shop with him, especially purses..seriously I need his help mine is getting old and out of style tell him to send me some tips :) i love you guys together!!! How you feeling???

  13. Holy Cow! I don't blame you for going private. I would do the same thing. How did they get the blog address?

  14. I'm pretty sure they just googled Blaine or me. Can you believe it?
