Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Little Darlings

I seriously almost killed a girl today in my class. She pisses me off so much that I have a really hard time keeping my cool (and patience) with her. However, this is NOT the reason for this post.

I am blogging this today--right now--because I feel like I need to remind myself of the reasons I love teaching. I really do love my job, and I really will miss it. Sometimes I feel like I am a little too negative; focusing too much on the small handful that drive me insane and make me never want my own children.

The truth is: the good far outweigh the bad. I really enjoy teenagers. I especially love my little sophomores who are not so little by the end of the year. They have become a little more worldly (that's meant as a compliment here), a little more mature, and a lot more confident.

So, here is a short list of things I will sincerely miss about teaching high school English, Creative Writing and the school's literary magazine: Euphony staff.

1. When I ask, "What just happened?" or "What does this mean?" while we are reading something like Shakespeare, and about 10 students confidently and excitedly raise their hands to answer. (Yes... it happens, and it's awesome.)
2. If I'm absent--I have concerned students who want to know if I'm okay. I'll even get a note here and there from a substitute making sure I know my kids were concerned. (Especially since I've been pregnant... how sweet is that?)
3. I love it when I have girls tell me I "look cute today". Honestly, who doesn't love that?
4. I LOVE when students tell me "thanks" and/or wish me a good day or weekend as they are leaving my classroom. I seriously love it.
5. I'll really miss reading a poem or short story from a brilliant Creative Writing student. Seriously, there are some VERY talented students here. I am blown away at their abilities all the time.
6. Getting close to my Euphony staff students. They are a great bunch of kids with all kinds of backgrounds who are good students with good morals, who are ecstatically excited about literature, art and writing. It is so gratifying watching them create their magazine.
7. Having a really heated, yet respectful debate on something in the classroom. It's so fun to see them get so passionate.
8. Discussing really heavy topics like "The Office" and "Lost" during downtime.
9. Watching them apply something they've learned, or seeing improvement based on hard work.
10. Last, but NOT least-- I'll really miss my polite kids. The ones I can always count on to calm down their less-polite classmate... the ones who always say "thank you" for even the smallest thing... the ones who sincerely ask if they can help me with anything... the ones who genuinely smile at me and say "hello" in the halls. These are also the ones who come to visit me even when they aren't in my class. The ones I want to come visit. :)


  1. Oh, your post actually made me miss it for a minute too. I have to say, those talented creative writing students always blew my mind! The first year I taught creative writing I stalked a shy boy in his math class and made him sign up for Euphony staff the following year.
    Speaking of Euphony Staff, it is fun to get close to them. Some old students have actually invited themselves over to a BBQ at my house this Sunday, lucky me, I only have to provide the meat for all 20somthing of them. I actually love seeing them and going to their weddings and what not.
    You will miss it!

  2. i bet your a awesome teacher I think its quit comendible that you teach High school english. You're students arnt the kids we were back then thogh right?
    Blogging is great and I'm glad we can keep in touch this way (since we're losers and don't do it any other way).
    BTW, any suggestions or constructive critisism on my writing/English skills?

  3. The greatest thing about life is that you are ALWAYS a teacher. You are only leaving a high school classroom setting, and maybe someday you might even return. You will refer to these teaching days often and will use what you have learned to go forward in life. (That sounds like lame yearbook lingo, but it is true.) You will be missed because you have made a difference.

  4. This is AWESOME!!! All the same things I was feeling this week with my students. (good and bad) I have college students, so they think the world owes them intelligence because 'they are paying for it'. I had this chick complaining about this other instructor, and she actually said 'I'm paying a lot of money to learn, and she isn't teaching me.'

    Guess what I said...'when you pay to get into an amusement park, do you expect the parks employees to follow you around, tell you when to laugh, and MAKE SURE you have fun? NO, you just go and get it'-

    I'm lame. I hope I don't get fired. The good ones really make it worth it though huh. It's crazy to see how they come up with GENIOUS ideas, and blow my mind.

    You'll miss this. But just wait till you see that baby- your Mom is right.

  5. I don't think you always talk about the bad of your job, I can sense how much you love teaching. I can also sense how good you are at it too! I bet you are having some bittersweet emotions as the year is closing. You are sad that this part of your life is being postponed (teaching)yet ecstatic about the new chapter rapidly approaching. (motherhood) Anyway I sufficiently rambled--I think you are a cute little English teacher!

  6. Very nice. English teachers are about as cool as you can get, and well, you were already cool, so that must make you the coolest!
    Big fan!

  7. Awww... that makes me want to be a teacher. I know you have been an amazing teacher and that you are definitely going to be missed by many of those same students, too. You are amazing!

  8. You're a fabulous teacher!!! You are going to be an even more fabulous mother!!!
    But dang- reading this makes me wonder which student I was is the classroom...

  9. Damn. Your students participate? Can they move to Payson?

    Ha, just kidding. I'm actually getting really sentimental about my seniors graduating... but probably because I don't want to learn a bunch of new names next year.

  10. O sheesh. I'm glad you like your good students.

    I'm such a rubber necker though cause I really wanted to hear what the lame girl did to piss you off.
