Sunday, May 4, 2008

Belly Shot!

Okay, so my hair had seen better days than in this picture... I feel so frumpy these days. but this is too good not to post.
Katrina was in town for her sister Kara's wedding and we had to take this photo touching bellies. She's due beginning of June and I'm due late August--we are both having little boys! We are so excited about this... Our moms have been friends since college and seemed to always be pregnant together, so this is really fun.


Laurel said...

LOVE! I'm so glad you put this picture on here so we can see you and Katinka-inga-nabova-na-na together. I love your bellies and hope your boys will continue the Lee/Robinson tradition of BFFs. :)

Danielle said...

You guys look so cute! I can't wait for those two little boys!

Michelle said...

That picture is so great. Can we just tell your kids that they're cousins?

Scott and Megan said...

love it! The little guy is growing and soon will be out to meet his fav aunt (s)!!! Glad you are not sick anymore! i sure love you and think about you all the time even though we don't see each other nearly as often as i would like :)

Alifinale said...

That is so cute and how fun to be pregnant with Ever! And you look hot and I love your dress.

Markelle said...

Oh my goodness! you are showing! look awesome. I love the shoes, the dress, the belly, the...boobs! you are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Nothing I like to see more than pregnant Westvale Vikings! What would Miss H have to say about this?

errin julkunen-pedersen said...

a-damn-dorable! miss your face!

JethRobyn said...

You don't even look that pregnant! Your belly is too cute! I like the dress too! I think i was pregnant during an off season for cute maternity clothes.

TJ and LaChae Booth said...

I love this picture! You look so great prego! And fun to see Katrina too. I hope you are feeling well. I am so excited for will make such a great mommy. Love ya!

Wilde Things said...

You look very cute pregnant. And you really do not have too much time left (compared to me, atleast).
How ya feeling these days? Besides the flu?
And school, it is practically over! Yahoo!
Oh, by the way . . . thanks for the job offer--NO WAY!

Kat said...

This week I am 36 weeks. I don't wish this on anybody. Good that I started blogging or I'd have to try and find something else to do that doesn't require energy... maybe knitting? shaving my legs? Maybe later I'll organize my sock drawer? I miss you. If I were there you'd come over and we would watch all the great Audrey's. I guess I'll have to talk Jeff into Roman Holiday.

LEE BIEN said...

What took me so long to check out your blog and this adorable post? Yes, Karen and I were pregnant BFFs more than once, Sally too but she never managed to look pregnant. I never thought I'd say I miss those days, but I do. Alicia, you hot pregnant mama, you're looking good.

Jeff & Jacki Sharp said...

You're adorable as EVER! What a cute pregs you are. Thanks for indulging us. Glad you're feeling good. You look radiant!

staci said...

Alicia, Thanks for your comment on my blog!! Oh my heck, LOOK AT HOW CUTE YOU ARE??!! You look so darling! Hope you are feeling good and getting excited for your little man! Can't wait to see pics and hear how it all went! Do you have a name picked out yet?

Ya, my kids do really look a lot alike. We've looked at pictures of Tyler at Brooke's age (8 months) and they could seriously be twins. So weird...

Jen & George Scott said...

How come you are soo darling? I love this picture. You look so cute. Good job!!!

Trace said...

Alright! Two little boys for my little girl to date when she comes in July!