Thursday, May 15, 2008

Top Five Tag

Okay, not really "top fives" but Katrina tagged me and well, I'm it.

Five things on my "To Do" list this week:
1. Purchase and put together baby crib. (Third trimester begins today!)
2. Watch all my "stories" on Thursday night. Best night for television. Can't wait! Do you all think that Jim will really propose to Pam? If she says no I will kill myself.
3. Grocery shopping. I'm kind of a weirdo. I like buying food. I really enjoy shopping in all its forms.
4. Bring home more crap from my classroom. I've been working on organizing my lesson plans and other "teaching" stuff, and bringing things home day by day. It will save my sanity at the very end of the school year. (13 days and counting...)
5. Get my hair done already!! It's been since Christmas vacation. Seriously, the roots and gray hairs have got to go. Like now!

Five snacks I enjoy:
DIET COKE!! All the time. Every time.
2. Chips n' salsa. Preferably from Chili's.
3. Fresh fruit. Can't get enough.
4. Saltines and butter. I know, I know... totally white trash.
5. Tillamook cheese. Nothing, and I really mean nothing is better than the real thing. Love Tillamook.

Five things I would do if I suddenly became a billionaire:
Allow Blaine to turn our home into the computer-command-center I know he dreams of.
2. Buy a beach house in Oregon.
3. Buy a beach house in California.
4. Pay off all our debts and all our families' debts.
5. Shop. For the rest of my life. With absolutely no guilt.

Five places I've lived:
Taylorsville, UT. (Current. With my sweetheart.)
2. Salt Lake City, UT. (First apartment married. A little ghetto. We loved it.)
3. Orem, UT. (Pinnacle Apartments. 10th ward. Best four years as a singleton. I've lived in thousands of places as a single gal, but this was my favorite.)
4. Camas, WA. (Only for a couple summers home from school, but I LOVE it there. I'm convinced the Northwest is the most beautiful part of the country.)
5. West Jordan, UT. (I am a west-sider through and through. Born and raised.)

Five jobs I've had: Really? Only five? I've had more jobs than I can count. (Seriously, I've tried to and I can't.) I'll just try to make a list.
Teacher. Substitute teacher. Aveda Receptionist/Sales. Estee Lauder freelance make-up artist. Lancome freelance make-up artist. Lauder girl at Meier and Frank. Lancome girl at Nordstrom. Ringer at Nordstrom. Origins manager at Meier and Frank. Clothing at Meier and Frank. Sweet Tomatoes. Carrabba's. Ah-Ha.Com. Bath and Body Works floor mover. Janitor for Temkin. Entertainment Editor for The College Times. Writer for The College Times. Cold caller for some air purifier thing... or something. Temp. Telemarketer. Payless Shoes at various stores. Sutherlands Lumber. Cineplex Odeon. Ambassador Pizza.

Five things people may not know about me:
I fancy myself a Rock Star, yet could never really do it. I don't have the voice or musical talent. And I think I'd be way too reserved-- at least sober-- and I don't drink so... there you go.
2. Like Katrina, I love to be organized and clean. It makes me feel good. I remember a time when we were living together... someone told us something really uncomfortable while we were both in the kitchen; she immediately started organizing the dishwasher and I started wiping down the counters. We didn't even think about it. Just had to clean. Release those endorphins! Hilarious.
3. I have to feel productive. If I don't feel like I am doing something of value in my life I have a really hard time. So, I guess that's why I love projects.
4. My family are my best friends. Yes-- that includes Blaine and the Carters. I LOVE them!
5. I've already talked about this before, but I am a Pop-Culture junkie. I am fascinated by pop-culture and the way if shapes and shifts society. We are what we watch and read.

Five favorite musicians/bands: This is hard. I'll do my best.
1. U2
Tom Petty
3. Nat "King" Cole
4. Queen
5. James Taylor

Five tagged peeps:
LaChae Booth
2. Jacki Sharp
3. Kendee Rowley
4. Whitney Child
5. Markelle Carter


  1. I love all your gazillion jobs! And I love that you love TV as much as me and you really are a Rock Star!

  2. Such cute lists of 5!! I totally remember you & LaChae doing the saltines and butter thing!! Ya, it actually is good! ;) I love that you are a pop culture junkie. I totally am too! Good luck with the putting up the crib and getting ready for baby! Happy 3rd trimester!! Almost done!! :)

  3. I love everything about your "5"s!!! I think my favorite thing you actually put on here, though, is granting Blaine's "Command Central" we all know he already has completely planned-out. You are such a good wife. xoxo

  4. Yeah Pinnacle!!! Yeah 10th ward!!! I totally agree with it being the best years of my single life!! I just loved the closeness EVERYONE had with each other! Sometimes I secretly miss it!!

  5. Ok, I'm anxiously awaiting your review of The Office! What the heck!??!

    I wanna see pictures of the crib. Does the little man get a "nursery"?
    Are you teaching next year? Good luck cleaning out...
    You ENJOY the grocery store?
    Saltines and butter? Is this a Kempton thing? My dad's preference is Saltines and Miracle Whip...
    Tillamook, mmmmmmm (best deal around is at Costco)
    Love it all!!!

  6. Yea-I love reading your list and seeing how many I already knew. BFF.

  7. Me likey reading your fives!!! They made me happy...whenever I hear U2, I always think of you, and I am always amazed at how much pop culture crap you know! By the way please take me shopping when you become a billionaire! Thanks for all the stuff in advance:)

    Yay! happy third trimester day!

  8. Thank you for introducing or should I say making us watch Arrested Development. My life is so much better because of it. We are on the third season now. Who is your favorite character?

  9. I think I was there (as the Catalyst) in the kitchen when you both started cleaning :) Good times...
