Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Very Cool Temple Art

Like most of you, I love my wedding pictures. My photographer was an old family friend, Bruce Barnes, who grew up with my dad in Salem, Oregon and who now resides in Mesa-ish, Arizona. Anyway, he also takes beautiful pictures of LDS Temples, and he and his artist-cousin make them masterpieces. Here's a one that I own... Blaine bought it for me about a year ago. I love it! It's so unique.
Anyway, I've been seeing a few like it around the LDS shops and asked Bruce about it. Sadly, Bruce told me there are a bunch of knock-offs out there. Someone he trusted stole the idea and started making similar pictures. Another trusted friend took his photos, flipped them and is making them in Mexico. To say the least-- Bruce's are much, much better.

Bruce's are on his web site (www.bkbarnes.com/temples) and on his cousin’s site (http://www.raymonddesigns/) and on the Deseret Book sites.


  1. I'm so excited to know this is Bruce. I'm anxious to get a copy of my own. (They're totally cheaper on his website.) His Portland one is beautiful!

  2. Way to go for plugging Bruce. We love the Barnes family! He is so very talented and an awesome friend. Do you remember him talking about your dad as a boy scout? Funny stuff.

  3. Ohh, i Love, love, LOVE this shot!!! I will have to check his site out for sure- one of these will be perfect on my hallway wall. Thanks for the link:)

  4. That is too bad, I saw those look alike paintings and thought they were the same artist as yours...I want one too, yours is so beautiful, and it looks so good on your wall with the rest of your pics and stuff.

  5. Very cool. I have have been wanting to find a beautiful picture of the SLC temple for our house, hooray!
    Alicia I am so excited that you are having a boy. I am a little biased but boys are the best!

  6. It's beautiful! I am so ticked for him that someone totally stole his idea! That is wrong I tell ya just wrong! I love pictures of the temples, and that one is gorgeous! How you feeling by the way. It is getting closer!

  7. I am so totally jealous of your beautiful temple picture! You have a superb husband to surprise you with it the way he did. I also love knowing that his pictures were the originals in this particular style. Love them! Love you! Love baby!

  8. K, I totally love this picture. I have seen a few around but that one is beautiful!!!

  9. That kind of pisses me off. But I am happy to report that the one Craig got me for Christmas is a Bruce Barnes original. Phew.
