Monday, June 16, 2008

Daddy Day

First of all, I have no current digital pictures of my dad. I'm not that vain (well, I kind-of am) but since I used a wedding picture of my mom, I figured I could get away with using another for Father's Day. I love this picture anyway.
My dad is the greatest! You all might think your dad is the best, but you are wrong! Mine is. You know that song we all sang when we were kids about our dads being the biggest and the strongest? Well I really believed it--and still do. I think my dad can do anything.
He's always been there for all of our most important days and events. He's always provided for our family. He's got a great testimony. He doesn't always shout it about--he's more quiet about it. (Blaine is the same way--maybe that's why I love him.) He thinks he's Jack Bauer. He has a great, loud, contagious laugh. He loves his kids. He thinks he's Mexican. He always tries speaking Spanish to anyone resembling a Spanish descent. We all laugh about it, but are secretly very proud he's so passionate and devoted to his study of Spanish. He has a love affair with vanilla ice cream...always has, always will. He loves projects. Whether it be the Jeep, the boat, or whatever, he likes to be busy. He's a hard worker. I don't know anyone who works harder, actually. I love that he has taught me the value of working hard. He loves my mom. There's such solace in knowing that my dad loves my mom--no matter what.
This list could go on a lot longer... but for the sake of me bursting into tears (darn you, pregnancy!), I'll end it here. I love my daddy!


  1. It's absolutely true. Our dad IS the best dad in the entire world. In all seriousness, I feel so lucky every day to know how much my parents genuinely care for one another and the well-being of their family. I love my bushy eyebrowed, hairy chested (well... -bodied, really), comedically cursing, gun wielding father. Happy Father's Day!

  2. I love that picture of you and your dad!!

  3. So, are you trying to steal my position as favorite daughter or what? I'm totally on to you.

    Seriously though, thanks for sharing. I love to brag about both of my parents to anyone that will listen.

  4. Love the post, and love your dad too! We won't get into a blogging fight about who has the best dad, though. ;) Hey, we're coming out in August... will we get to meet baby?!!!

  5. Darling pic of you & your dad! So cute!

    Funny that you were going through your pics and found some of good ol' Raintree. I was actually going through some a couple weeks ago as I was packing boxes getting ready to move and found some DARLING (sense the sarcasm) pics of us. They were those ones we took up the canyon with the fall leaves. WHAT THE CRAP WAS I WEARING?? Why didn't someone help me??? I'll have to scan and email some of them once we get settled in the new house to give you a good laugh. Oh those were the days!! So fun though.

    Hope you're feeling good! :)

  6. I'm with all of you- especially kristin:) love it!
