Monday, June 2, 2008

Let's Get Campy!

We went camping this weekend... I am so not a camper. I LOVED it as a kid. In a trailer or camper or some kind of "indoor" area. I even enjoyed girls camp during YW days. Not showering for days and risking all kinds of dehydration and ticks.
I love the hot dogs, the talking and laughing around the campfire, the star-filled skies, the tin-foil dinners, the trees, and of course, the s'mores.
What I hate are the allergies, the sinus infections, the dirty hands and face, the putting in contacts with dirty hands and face, the so cold nights, the freakishly hot days, the out-houses, the smoke in my lungs that already cannot breathe due to afore-mentioned reasons... Oh yeah, AND I'm six months pregnant. :) Yeah-- I know I'm whining. But isn't that what having a blog is about sometimes?
Needless to say, I am really happy we went. We met Blaine's brothers and co. in Moab for a quick camping trip. It really was fun. And I love the social part of camping so much, I really can't say "no" to hanging out with Sean, Doug, Jen, Shad, Tina, Hondo, Marisa, the Canadians, Brent, Markelle, the kiddies, and dream-man Blaine (who made sure to bring our queen-size air mattress and even added more air in the middle of the night). I LOVE these guys (WAY more than camping)!!


  1. Sounds campy! :) Seriously, I am with you. I don't by any means "hate" camping, but I do go for the social aspect more than anything else. So glad you had fun!

  2. yeah you have returned and lived to tell about it!:) You are a trooper beyond words! So apparently, the summer of Alicia has officially begun?! I'm So jealous! I want a summer of Alicia--that's right, not a summer of Megan, but a summer of Alicia!

  3. I hear ya, I'm not a camping fan, but in Moab I make the exception, it's my favorite place. I think the thing I hate the most about camping, is the bathroom trips in the middle of the cold dark night. I generally try and hold it, but that never works...especially for you being sixth months pregnant. You are a brave woman!

  4. I want a summer of Alicia, Laurel, Michelle, Megan and DeAnn. Where can we go, what can we do? At the very least, can we have a girls night out or sleepover? Forget camping and let's just tell scary stories (Troop Beverly Hills?) and make smores.

  5. haa haa Stewart thought that I was such a cool wife because for our 1st anniversary I WANTED to go camping and I was 6 months pregnant. He still talks about it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE camping.

  6. You had outhouses? Count yourself lucky ;)

  7. You really were a good sport with having allergies/sinus infections, and being prego. I am SO glad you went in for July?

    oh and I appreciate you not mentioning the horrific ride home:)

  8. I was with Meg when you called her about your allergies. I am so sorry. You are a saint. My little brother wants us to go camping with him over the 4th. We will see I made him swear to me that I would not be hot at any time.

  9. You're quite the trooper Alicia! I'm impressed that you went camping at 6 months pregnant! You go girl!!
