Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mixed Feelings

I'm feeling a little weird. Today was the last day of school and while I am so excited and feel so blessed that I'll be staying home to be a mom, I am really bummed about not teaching anymore. I worked a VERY long time to get my degree and I am so happy that I actually used it--it means the world to me. I LOVE teaching. I've had the greatest experience at Alta...
Today is just a little bittersweet. I really hate saying "goodbye", though I am so happy about this next "chapter"... Know what I mean?
  Some of the ladies I teach with in the English department. They were so nice and threw me a little shower.
I love these women!
These are my Euphony seniors, minus two... They are such a great group of kids. I'm so proud of them and know they will do great things.
Tiffany Platt and I were luckily placed across the hall from each other when we both started at Alta. She teaches Spanish and has become such a great friend. Can't wait for her wedding in December!
Mikianne and I met at the new teacher-hire meeting two summers ago. Recently, we talked about the fact that we both went home that night and told our husbands that we met a "new friend". Mikianne is a breath of fresh air, and I can't wait for her little baby due New Year's.
I am a HUGE nerd. This is a picture of my classroom. Well, one of many I took before I dismantled my room. Don't judge me.


  1. Wow! Well, teachers are extraordinary people, (the good ones anyway), and you're a good one! Congrats!
    Pretty cool...

  2. The reason you are so sad to leave that particular "chapter" is because you are so good at it! You are one of those people who is a born teacher... you have the ability to relate to students in ways others cannot, and you genuinely care for their academic and overall achievements. You are going to be an amazing mom!

  3. Looking at that classroom picture was interesting. Like a little bit of Alicia spice splashed across a dingy high school. I bet your students loved you.

    Onto the next event!

  4. Happy last day of school yesterday! Although it was a little bittersweet for you, you have many more exciting adventures ahead of you later this summer. You will be a great mom and you will be so glad that you get to stay home with the little guy so you don't miss a thing. Enjoy your summer and get plenty of sleep because once the little dude arrives, no more sleep for you!! :) (at least for a little while!)

    ps-I think it's awesome you took many pictures of your classroom. You will definitely want to remember what it looked like! I bet you were the best teacher ever!

  5. Wow...what a step. I remember I cried uncontrollably (thanks alot prego-hormones) when I left my design job to have Jack. It was such a strange feeling. Someone once asked me why I even got a degree if I was just going to be a mom. I wanted to punch them in the face. Trust me - all your mad teaching skills are going to be used even more when this hoolagan gets here. I'm so excited for you. I know you were probably an amazing teacher - and you will be missed. Congrats on the next big adventure that awaits you!

  6. This won't be sad soon. But it is sad. I bet you are great! I promise, after you have that baby, you won't even think about it, at least for the first year. I can't make any promises after that, but we both know you'll be pregnant again by then :)

    I hope I see you at seven peaks, make sure you chill in 'our section' so that I can run into you with your big pregnant swimmer on!

  7. never apologize on your's yours and I love that you took pictures of your classroom, I have wondered what it looks like. Love you tons and can relate to mixed good ol mr. dickens said, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times...How exciting to be moving to this next chapter! Congrats!

  8. Alicia,
    You can tell that you are an awesome teacher. Wow! I would have given anything to have been in your class. You simply are amazing! I really loved the picture of your room. You could totally see your personality! I know that you will be an awesome mom...and, if it makes you feel better, I really missed leaving the work environment...but, wouldn't trade being home with my girls! PS: heads up on a baby gift coming your way. I bought baby "Jake" a few items from Cali.
    Love, Larabelle

  9. Don't even feel guilty for taking pictures of your classroom. I took pictures of almost every room in our West Jordan house before we moved and I am glad I did. It's such a big part of who you are. Your blog has made me decide to take photos of my Seminary classroom next year before I "retire". Once a nerd, always a nerd.

  10. okay... don't judge me... i was feeling like i didn't want to brave the college campus today, and felt like it would be a good idea instead to check out your blog a few years back. i might be keeping tabs on you too... maybe. i saw this picture of your classroom, and a million and three emotions started coming back to me! i remember everything in it! love this picture, loved that classroom, love nostalgia (obviously).
