Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blogging is Bomb

I am totally going to post something legit tomorrow about our Cali trip, but I just can't help myself tonight.
I just spent the better part of tonight going through old posts and comments, and I find myself fascinating... :) Not really, but how many of you have done this? I mean, it's like reading your own diary! I know, I know-- (duh) the diary thing is one of the reasons we all blog at all, but seriously, I am officially "sold" on this whole blogging phenomenon. It's been about a year and I still love it. I love reading all of your posts and comments, as well as feeling validated when you read and comment on mine.
Rock on Bloggers!
(Feel free to point and laugh at me... I deserve it.)


  1. I'm just glad to see you're back! Hurray!
    Can't wait to read about the vacation-
    And yes, Blogging is THE greatest time waster invented. (and that sentence was awesome.)

  2. P.S. Nice new poll- tough one though, because summer babies are awesome for fat cankles and swollen feet (and everything). But I have to chuckle at the slutty comment- totally felt that way in the grocery store on more than one occasion... :) LOVE being pregnant though- wouldn't trade it!

  3. I love the blog too. Everything you said. And it is such a time waster, but what are we supposed to do with ourselves when Prison break is not on? Yup- It's 5 am, and I'm on your blog. I've been up all night puking, tossing and turning, and now I have gas, and I can't get comfy. Tomorrows gonna suck. glad I can read blogs so I don't have to watch infomercials- seriously- NO MORE Cindy crawford moisturisers, and I know if I watch TV I'll end up buying the natural cures series or the pancake puff thing. THANKS FOR BLOGGING!!

  4. I love blogging too! I love that other people blog because it makes me feel like I really know them. Blogging IS the bomb

  5. Ummm, pointing and laughing at MYSELF because apparently I am the exact same way. :) I love Blogging!

  6. dude - every couple months I save all my posts to a Word document, and print it off as my "diary". It's as close as I'm going to get to actual journaling. (You know, post- "INVU4URAQT" days.)

  7. i love going back and reading old posts, just did it yesterday in fact. i had to save all of my old myspace posts when i stopped using it just so i could have the flashback to the myspace time of my know, when you were in my life, and it was a much happier time because of it? that means i miss you and your face and even your husband and your little baby inside you. dangit, we should play!
