Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Camera Happy

I am behind on blogging. I really don't know what to blame. I'd like to blame Baby Carter, but there is no excuse. I don't do a whole lot these days. (Although I did make a "hooter hider" that I'm very proud of, but that's for a different post.)... Anyway, this post is devoted to my new love: my camera. Blaine brought it home a couple of weeks ago and it was love at first sight. We are still getting to know each other -if you know what I mean- but I think this is the beginning of something really special.
More to come.


  1. I'm drooling! I'm still trying to talk Jeff into getting me one ;) My sister-in-law has one she uses for us on occasion, how fun to have it with the new baby, you'll be able to take awesome pictures!!

  2. No baby yet... :( About 4 years, I mean weeks to go.

  3. Awesome!!! What perfect timing with this wee little subject to take pictures of on his way! It's AUGUST! You can say THIS month!!! (hopefully!:) Congrat's on the camera- and way to go with the hooter hider- you will just LOVE it!
