Sunday, July 20, 2008


Well, all of my blogging siblings have already posted about the Yellowstone Lee Family Extravaganza, but here is my contribution. It was a great time. We had so much fun hanging out with Mother Nature: the animals, the paint pots, the geysers, and even a little volleyball and "talent show" (I use term "talent" very loosely here). Good times. Thanks for a great vacation Mom and Dad!
The whole family minus Brett (on a mission in Arizona). I think mom is considering this one for the Lee family Christmas card.
My dad and Isabel. He was determined to become her buddy and it worked. She was completely won over. Cute 'eh?
Blaine and me. Weird that my belly didn't make this shot. :)
We actually saw three bears on our jungle safari. Here's a baby Black Bear.
I am fascinated by buffalo. They are the biggest, strangest-looking animals.
More pretty stuff...

This is the real "danger" sign in the park at Old Faithful. I guess it's pretty important for young boys to not step directly on an active geyser.
Cool, creepy dead tree.
Isabel giving me "rocks". I love this kid!
Oh!-- and there's the belly. Blaine, me and future Carter boy in Jackson Hole.
This is actually when we got home and right before the baby shower that my amazing sisters threw for me. I was lucky enough to have my mom in town for the fiesta. It really was a lot of fun. We missed Megan (sick with strep!), aren't my sisters and mom (and Isabel) hotties?


  1. Hooray! I'm the first to comment... I feel so special. Your pictures are fantastic. And there's no need to put a disclaimer on the talent show. Anyone who can stick a whole Q-tip up his nose belongs in a record book.

  2. Oh, and I love that the geyser kid looks like a boy scout. And I love the look on the lady's face.

  3. You look so cute pregnant! I don't know why you complain about your belly, you are one of those I curse when I am pregnant.

  4. Tis the season for Yellowstone, I guess. This week we're (sniff) missing out on a reunion there too! Oh well... someday we'll live close enough to be part of the family again. And you look GREAT! Am I allowed to tell you that, or does it all just annoy you at this point? I hope hope hope we'll be able to meet the new little dude while we're out next month!! :)

  5. Those bears look so cuddly until they snatch you up while you are sleeping peacefully in a tent.

  6. Everyone can tell me how great I look all they want... But keep in mind I'm only posting the pics I look cute it. Yeah... I'm that vain. :)

  7. Fun family trip - I was so sad we were out of town for your baby shower!! It looks like it was a lot of fun. And you are adorable prego!

  8. That is so cool. I'm trying to convince Jethro to runaway with me to Yellowstone before school starts. I love that place. Your belly is looking adorable.

  9. I'll bet more little boys step in geysers than we think.

  10. I mean to post only the pictures I think I look alright in, but I don't have many these days. You look great, and I am sure that it reflects in all your pictures. I am glad you all had a great time! Can't wait for your little Carter to get here!!

  11. You look way too cute to be in Yellowstone. That is the kind of trip during which you are supposed to let yourself go.

  12. Alright, I'll be the lame one to make verbal note of the "Meet the Deedles" reference here. Sure, it's maybe a little Yogi Bear, but I know you are talking about Paul Walker. :)

    Yellowstone was a blast, and the baby shower was possibly even better. Love you!

  13. About the "Deedles" reference... Brett emailed me today and asked if we saw Paul Walker saving P-Dogs while we were in Jellystone. I'm sure it is our fault he knows this gem of pop-culture. Yay!
