Tuesday, August 5, 2008

James Taylor is still So Cool

Blaine and I hit up Usana last night for the big event: James Taylor. I love James. It's really my mom's fault... She almost named me Suzanne after "Fire and Rain" (great song, but I like Alicia so much better). Anyway, James is especially important to Blaine and me because we saw him at Usana when we were dating, and I credit Mr. Taylor for making me fall in love with Blaine... or at least helping me to realize I was in love with him. Yes, I told Blaine I loved him on that fateful night. And life has only gotten better.
Needless to say, it was a great night. The weather was perfect, our seats were awesome (you can't beat lying on the lawn!), and we were in good company. Jami and Kristen meandered by and luckily sat by us. It was so fun catching-up and basking in the James Taylor greatness with them. We even got to witness the frisky, Cialis-induced, older couple dancing all night long. It was awesome!
Sadly, I forgot my camera--so Jami, post some pics of our new friends. I can't wait to see your shots of them doing the dip.


  1. SUPER JEALOUS! I love the J.T. Wish I could have been there :]

  2. I'm totally jealous too. I'm just wondering if he dropped the f-bomb again?

  3. By the way - I love the movie commentary on your sidebar. That was my favorite part of Across the Universe too. And the Joker? Nightmares.

  4. Fun!!! We went there the other night to see Steve Miller and had a great time watching the drunk old people dance, dance, dance all night long.

  5. Yup, love him. I credit my love to Matt- we listened to him most of the drive down to Az for a reunion back in '97.

  6. Love James Taylor! I'm jealous you got to go and I didn't. When my oldest was just a baby, he had reflux the first few months (until we found it out and got him on medicine) and he never slept at night. My husband would stay up for hours dancing across the apartment with him to Sweet Baby James.
    Glad you had fun!

  7. I'm so bummed! The pics of the viagra/alcohol couple did not turn out. I think it must have been due to my low camera battery. LAME! Thanks for letting us crash your party. We had a great time with you guys!

  8. Alicia is a gorgeous name and I made the right choice, but you've brought back memories. As I'm typing this I'm singing Suzanne in my head.
