Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Husband and Jack McCoy

There are few things in this world that Blaine loves more than Law and Order (I'd like to think I'm one of those things)... Today, both Blaine and I haven't been feeling very well and most of our Sunday has been spent watching Law and Order: the original. There's nothing like the original.

Whenever we watch episodes, we try to decide which characters we like best from different seasons (don't worry--we have them ALL). We can't ever decide which side-kick of Lenny's is our favorite, or if we like Serena or Abbie better, but one thing is solid: Jack McCoy is our hero.

Blaine isn't alone in his love for Mr. McCoy. While teaching, I'd have students act as if they were in a courtroom defending different characters from To Kill a Mockingbird. Whenever a student or group did a great job or made a great point, I dubbed them "Jack McCoy". I thought it was an honor. :)

Anyway, today, after a particularly defining moment for Jack (season seven), Blaine was spouting his love for Jack McCoy and made the comment that he hopes our unborn son will like McCoy as much as he does. I can see it now... Coming home after a night out with the girls and finding my boys cuddled up watching their hero prosecute the bad guys. Well, I can't say I'd blame them. He is pretty awesome.


  1. I think I'm partial to Perry Mason.

  2. Also, Jon and I are in love with Jack McCoy.

    It just doesn't get much better than that, except know where....something on the big screen.

  3. Umm, love the blog...but I wanted to tell you that they are having the 8th annual Honey Baked Ham Classic on Saturday. I wasn't sure of how to get a hold of you, but it will be at the same place as always, that stake center up on Canyon road at 6pm on Saturday the 16th. You should come, I would love to see your cute belly!

  4. I'm surprised that you haven't decided to name the baby jack or mccoy. I love Law and Order too. I really like SVU too.

  5. I LOVE the grammar side notes. Things like that drive me crazy too, although I don't pay much attention to grammar on my blog so don't be too judgmental.

  6. Go Jack Mccoy, he is such a badass. Have you seen the segment he does on the Colbert Report? It's called, "Sam Waterston Says Things You Should Never Believe In A Trustworthy Manner." Classic, oh so funny!
