Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ready for Baby

People keep on asking me if I am "ready for baby" and I really don't know how to answer them. I mean, are you ever completely "ready"?
Yes, his room is all ready (and has been for quite a while). Yes, we have bedding, blankets, burp-rags, onsies up the wazoo, diapers in various sizes, bumbo, high-chair, stroller, infant-seat/car-seat, hats, socks, wipies, swing, formula, diaper bag, hooter-hiders (I made them myself!), breast pump, bottles, binkies... OH MY!!
I even have a hospital bag ready with a list I keep on adding to.
My mom is getting more and more anxious about getting a flight at the right time to head down for baby boy Carter.
I am getting anxious and bored with the waiting. I'm not due until the 28th... IN TWO DAYS... but won't get induced until the 4th.
As of last Friday I'm still dilated at a one, and as of yesterday's ultra-sound I'm measuring an eight-pound, one-ounce baby. My doctor was worried I was looking small and it turns out I'm an optical illusion :) (said in a Ron Burgundy voice).
I don't really know what else to do. I've painted one stairway, one hallway, one bathroom, and all the upstairs trim. I've reinforced my antique kitchen chairs. I've hung new things on walls that really don't need embellishment. We've replaced four light fixtures and installed one new ceiling fan. I've made about fifteen pairs of earrings and a few necklaces. I've watched season one and most of season two of Gilmore Girls... again. I've stained the outside patio chairs. I've written and mailed all my thank you cards from baby showers. I've organized all my digital pictures and put them on the server, (Now I need to print them and put them in albums). I've washed and organized all of baby's stuff--some of it more than once. I've done grocery shopping for about two weeks. I keep wiping down the guest bathroom. I started knitting a scarf for myself-- and it's not even beginning to look like fall!
Yeah... I might be losing it. Today, Blaine came home after a crazy day (crazy few weeks--he's been working so hard lately), made me dinner, gave me the cash he got for working on someone's computer and told me I should spend it on me (he is so great to me). I started crying because I am THAT crazy right now. Don't get me wrong-- I'm not sad... I'm just crazy-emotional these days. School started yesterday and I'm not teaching. I'm just literally sitting and waiting--yet, that's all I really want to do.
I hope this kid, Jacob/Gavin is almost done cooking. I really want to meet him. The ultra-sound allowed me to see his little face really well and I have to say he is freaking cute. (Don't worry, I cried then too.) I cannot wait!!
So yeah, I guess I'm ready for baby.
Enjoy the pictures:
The walls aren't pink. I promise.
Baby's first bed.
This is his bassinet. My mom bought it for me at Wally-World and we thought it could be cuter, so we added the brown fabric and cute striped ribbon for good measure. My mom is a genius. This is so cute and it totally fits by my bed.

So, here's his crib--complete with make-shift canopy. I really wanted some kind of canopy above the crib, but didn't want it to look girly at all.

Here's the rest...


  1. I love baby boy Carter's room. I love it because it's not the same-old "boy" decorations (not that there's anything wrong with those...), but still so NOT girly. You are completely justified in your lack of emotional control, and I also can't wait to meet this boy! Love you!

  2. I can't wait to meet your little man. I keep checking flight schedules and hoping for your phone call. I'll see you SOON!

  3. The room is so cute. Your post was scary b/c I was just recently in your shoes and I still have the taste in my mouth. Waiting. I hope baby comes soon!

    Thanks for the tag. You know I loved high school, but if you ask Dee I live for it :) Ha, Ha, Ha, you should have tagged her!

  4. On the plus side to your baby taking his time we get more blogging from you! So for us it's win-win really. I always took the "are you ready" question as "are you dying to see that baby?" My answer was always "yes!" I think even at 20 weeks! :)

  5. I'm so excited for you. I hope he comes soon! I hope he comes tomorrow I remember waiting for Sir to come and I was ready to die! I was so anxious that after Agnes' due date I made her walk on the treadmill. All she needed was a good game of tetris and some smack talk. She beat Banuke and started laughing so hard that her water broke! He was born the next morning. So get out the xbox and start some smack talk with Blaine!

  6. Love the baby room - I've said it before but when we get a new house you are the first person that's going to come over and tell me how to decorate. Isn't it amazing how just a week of waiting for a baby can seem like so long - honestly though, I can't really talk I have NEVER made it to my due date - does it count that my dr said I'd probaly go at 35 weeks and I had to wait until 38??

  7. I've been wondering if that baby has made his appearance yet. Don't worry, in a few short days, your days will be filled with staring at your gorgeous baby boy and doing all things mom related. That is all you will do, I promise!! You will NOT be bored. But you WILL be sleep deprived, so enjoy these last few days of freedom!! I'm excited for you! You will be an awesome mom! Can't wait for the pics! Hope it all goes smoothly for you!! :)

  8. I cry when people give money too and I am not having a baby. I love the baby room. Cute.

  9. Love love love the room! It's so cute and all you need is the little baby boy... we can't wait to see his precious little face:)

  10. Wait, you are having a baby?

    Anyhoo, good luck with that. I hope you get a good IV sticker-inner, and that your epidural lasts a long time. The only thing you really need at the hospital is an extra pillow and blanket- the rest just sits there in your bag, and takes up space. Oh yes, and don't forget the camera.

    You won't believe how your own kid looks totally AMAZING, and you will want to stop everybody and say stuff like 'can you even believe this' and 'I made this, in my fat roll' and 'look, he just moved his lip.' It's really great, but nobody will want to be around you will you are awestruck. Remember to allow them to just smile and nod at you.

    Try not to think about pooping your pants!

  11. I LOVE his room!!!! I love that you are always sooo creative! And you're right, No, you can never be completely "ready" for the baby! As soon as you think you are, you'll wake up at 2 in the am to pee and on the way to the bathroom, you'll think you just might have pee'd your pants. But in reality, your water just broke!!! (yup, that's what happened to me)

  12. Very impressive. I don't think I was ever THAT ready. Then again I was always working, which, atleast took my mind off of being big and fat.
    Good luck! Can't wait to see pics.

  13. Sorry about the baby waiting game... at least you do quality things in your spare time. Everything looks so great, though! I'm getting so excited. Tell mom to get her ass in the car.

  14. WOW!!!! You are very prepared. I am not at all and will never be so all I can say is WOW!

  15. Didn't David Moscow sing a song about "pooping your pants" and "squeezing today"???

  16. I love all the pictures.. I can't wait for you!!!!! You are going to be a fantastic mom. Get as much rest now as you can... And then get as much rest as you can when he comes. It is easier to keep it together when you are getting decent sleep. Call me if you need some new-mommy reinforcement! Love you.

  17. I know these feelings you are describing all to well! I love you and the best is yet to come :)

  18. What a cute room. I hope your little one has arrived so that you do not have to sit around and wait any longer!

  19. I keep checking back religiously to see if you've had that dang baby already! Can't wait to see those first pics. You're lovely!

  20. I loved the post! I am so excited to see pictures of your little guy. i can't wait for you to meet this little tike! You will be a wonderful mom I know it:) Gimme a call too if you ever need any mommy pep talks! Love ya!

  21. Baby's room is so cute! I love the canopy addition.
    I have to say that the last week of pregnancy is hands-down the LOOONGEST week of anyone's life-really. Of course you are ready! What kind of question is that? Anyone who has carried around an extra human in their belly for 37+ weeks is definitely ready!
