Saturday, September 20, 2008

More Pictures of Baby Jake

Well, we've known our little man Jake now for almost three weeks, and have taken an embarrassing amount of pictures of our little boy. Here are some favorites.
He's doing great. He's a great sleeper (in the day), a great eater, a champion grunter, and such a cuddler. We love him more than we thought possible. We are also more tired than we thought possible. Oh well. :)
First real look at this beautiful baby
The new Carter family
Brothers and cousins
Chris and Steve with their baby boy

Mama's boy
Big Blaine eyes
DeAnn and her babies
Dad's little buddy
"Uncle Fester"
Quite the sleeper

All smiles
Happy guy
Perfect moment
First bath


  1. oh, I love the bath picture and the sleepy one w/the beanie. He is beautiful and so are you. :)

  2. Seriously, not fair that your hair looks so great in that first picture. . . how do you do it?! Love all the pictures - he's adorable!!

  3. What adorable pictues. You do look great! I miss my newborn!

  4. I really really like him...and I love all the faces of Jake! Everyone is adorable.

    by the way your hair always looks good, it reminds of Loralai's. ahhh, Loralai (little panic attack, I am not sure if I was supposed to put an apostrophe in there or not!)

  5. I love him! I love him! I love him! I'm very glad you finally posted some FABULOUS pictures of your family. Love them, and love you!

  6. And Markelle, your apostrophe is totally correct. Nice work. :)

  7. You should take an absurd amount of photos of him - he is gorgeous! I love it. You look fantastic too. So happy for you!

    Hope you get some sleep soon. I swear by Baby Wise (to a degree, make it work for you).

  8. um wow he has changed in the last couple of dang cute! You really do look beautiful in all those I don't know wnyone that ALWAYS looks as hip as you molly ringwald, i mean alicia! I love you lots and my baby nephew the beanlee huge on him? i can't wait for a couple more months to see it on him!!!!love you lots

  9. These pictures are so great! I love the black and white one of Blaine and Jake near the bottom... you need to print and frame it for sure. Love you!

  10. He is getting so big. He looks so good, and is such an adorable little guy! All the pictures are so cute. I am so happy for you. I hope you are feeling well. If it makes you feel any better, I am sure you could call me any time in the night, and I would be awake with you. Sleep deprivation is the worst. You are such a beautiful mommy. Jake is so lucky to have you!

  11. Oh he is so freakin' cute! I need to come over and squeeze him again. Don't worry - the sleep will return one day, but oh, those lazy cozy moments seem to fly by so fast. Hope to see you again soon! (ems)

  12. Alicia he is so cute I have to come and see him! You are such a cute little family and I'm so happy for you. Tell Blaine good job on making such a cute little boy!! Love you Jake...thats me yelling love you to Jake from the computer from his new Auntie Dots!!

  13. Yeah, I was waiting forever to see more pics. He is darling. I am so glad that it is as great as you thought it would be!!!

  14. Great new photos. At first Jake looked more like his mommy Alicia, but now I'm seeing more of daddy Blaine. It's a good thing you're both good lookin. I love and miss you all.

  15. GREAT pictures. The one of the three of you is my favorite.

    Cant wait to meet him. Maybe when your done with diapers we can get together.

    Rock on!

  16. As always, you look great! It was fun seeing you with your new baby. You are a great mom. Congratulations again to you and Blaine. You make beautiful babies.
