Monday, October 27, 2008

Blessing Day

We blessed Jake in our home ward on Sunday, October 12th.
We were lucky enough to have both of our entire families there, along with some friends, aunts, uncles, cousins... it was awesome. Thanks to all those to came. We really appreciated it!
Anyway, here are a few pictures. Laurel posted more on her blog--I tried not to do too many duplicates.

Here we are! Blaine, Jake and me.
Megan made his little beanie special. Isn't it cute?
The Lee clan minus Brett: Megan, DeAnn, Dave, Alicia, Jake, Blaine, Laurel, Isabel, Scott, Matt,
Michelle +1, Brad and Jason.

All anyone has to do is pull out a camera and this little girl says "cheeese!" I love it.

Brent, Jen, Doug and Sean.

Jake with Grandpa Steve. Steve was telling Jake all about this summer's Cali trip
and Jake was entranced.

Jake with Chris and Steve.

My cousin, Matt with baby Seneca. I LOVE this little girl. can you believe her hair? It's amazing!

Sisters and Cousins.

The Lee girlies.

My dad and my baby. :)


  1. So awesome. Congrats. Families and babies are the best. You look beautiful!

  2. I loved this post. He is so sweet. You do look so pretty and I love love love the pic of your daddyo with your baby. I miss you! and your whole family at that. glad I could see the pictures here.....we need to chat, i wanna know ALL about this baby boy and life as a mommy. love you, lachae

  3. Geez it's about time! Amy wanted to see pictures of Jake's blessing outfit and I had to show her Laurel's blog.

    But at least your blog was good for something...we did pee our pants watching the creepy baby doll pee his pants.

  4. Very sweet. How awesome that all your family could be there. Jake is still beautiful and I love the beanie! You look great too.

  5. What a special day for your cute little family! I loved seeing pics of the Lee clan!! Jake looks adorable - I love his matching beanie - too cute!

  6. So sad we missed it! Looks like you were surrounded by a lot of loved ones. We still need to get our little dudes together so they can start flirting.

  7. I love him! Baby Jake is so adorable. You look like a beautiful Mommy! Congrats you guys. Wish we could've come :)
