Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lucky 7 Tag

7 Things I Can Do:
1. Knit. Nothing spectacular at all. Really I can just knit scarves.
2. Make great salsa. I actually think I'm losing my "touch". Guess I just need to practice.
3. Tell you what PVP online-gaming means.
4. Do my make-up while driving. I'm freakishly good at it, though I'm really trying hard not to do it with the little guy in tow.
5. Teach high school English.
6. Dye my own hair. (Don't freak out-- Katrina, Jami, and Sharri.) It's not my fault I've been going gray since sophomore year.
7. Dissect Pam and Jim's relationship since season one.

7 Things I Cannot Do:
1. Math. Seriously. I have had a big problem with math since I was a little girl. I cannot even begin to count all the tears shed involving math. It's a miracle I passed it in college at all. (Why an English major has to pass 1010 and 1050 is beyond me!) I don't do math anymore. It's why God invented calculators.
2. Leave my kitchen a mess.
3. Remember how to move music from our server to my itunes. I have to ask Blaine how every time... and he rolls his eyes every time.
4. Budget. When I was single I tried to deal with cash as much as possible. That way I knew when all the greens were gone, I was in trouble.
5. Sports. Seriously. Don't ask me to play on your co-ed softball team. Ever.
6. Sleep alone. (Okay, I can do it, it just sucks. I hate it.)

7 Things that Attracted Me to Blaine:
1. He was the "one that got away" and he gave me another chance, no questions asked.
2. He has great, big, kind eyes.
3. He's not a sports fan (*relief*).
4. He let me (and still does) rant on and on about everything. I guess I can get pretty fired up.
5. He always makes me feel really important and special.
6. He was affectionate. Still is. I really, really need affection.
7. He was (and still is, duh-- do I have to keep saying it?) a bona fide catch... a Priesthood-holding, job-holding, superb hubby, wonderful daddy CATCH. Seriously, I don't know how I got so lucky.

7 Things I Say Most Often:
1. Seriously?
2. Hi buddy. (Talking to Jake.)
3. That's hilarious.
4. I love you.
5. Are you kidding me?
6. Baby.
7. Awesome. (Usually said sarcastically.)

7 Celebrity Admirations:
1. Paul Newman. I am still in mourning. He was a great actor, man, humanitarian, husband and father. Seriously, he and Joanne Woodward were married forever. That never happens anymore in Hollywood.
2. Conan O'Brien. This is another crush. I love Conan. I think he is brilliant and hilarious.
3. Tina Fey. I LOVE her. I love everything she does. I think she is hilarious, smart, sharp, and super sexy. Smart is sexy, right?
4. Stephen King. I love his writing and everything I've heard about him indicates that he is a really, really great person. He's actually very normal and (again) has been married to his wife forever. He is also a former English teacher.
5. Jason Bateman. Okay, okay, it's all because of Arrested Development. But I think he is a pretty normal guy.
6. Audrey Hepburn. Classic. Nuff, said.
7. Jimmy Chunga. Just kidding. I hate that douche bag.

7 Favorite Foods:
1. Chips n' salsa
2. Chocolate
3. Peanut butter
4. Fresh fruit. Right now, Autumn apples.
5. Cheese. Preferably Tillamook.
6. Mexican
7. Almonds

7 People to Tag:
1. Katrina Kirk
2. Dee Robinson
3. Tammy Shumway
4. Markelle Carter
5. Laurel Richardson
6. Alison Anderson
7. Jacki Sharp


  1. Cool tag, I always like hearing what you have to say...we have several things in common too, must be why you are so cool:)

    uhh, you didn't say you can make jewelry OR that you have a knack for photography...

  2. I thought everyone admired Jimmy Chunga... What? No? You're hilarious, and I can't wait to do this one!

  3. I'm just glad that you think God invented calculators too.
