Sunday, October 5, 2008


As I am sitting here listening to my kid wake up on the baby monitor (boo) ... I'm also thinking he's pretty perfect in these pictures. Go figure. Will life ever feel normal? Not sure, but it's a hell of a ride. (Sorry for the swears, Mom.)

For all those who enjoy the ever-going Blaine sleep-walking saga: two nights ago he was wandering the bedroom looking for Jake's air. When I asked him again what he was looking for (wouldn't you?) Blaine said, "His air." Then, very sarcastically added, "You know, the stuff he breathes." I think I actually woke him up because I was laughing so hard.

At the risk of being a mom who only posts pictures of her baby, here are a few recents:

Here's Jake sporting his church onesie Markelle made him. He's been pretty smiley lately. I think he looks like my brother, Scott here.
Love those cheeks.
I just adore this little man. Too bad he's inherited my acne lately. I'm going to get him on Proactiv ASAP. :)


  1. Weird - he totally does look like Scotty there! I just love him! Almost as much as I love Sleeping Blaine stories... :)

  2. How adorable - they change so much in those first weeks!

  3. Acne Schmacne, it will go away. I can't want to come see you THIS WEEK and kiss my little boy. Aren't baby blessings wonderful reasons to get together? Love you.

  4. hehe "the stuff he breathes"... that is so damn funny.

  5. So dang cute! I can't wait to have my own! Love that Blaine is sleepwalking.

  6. oh there is nothing better than blaine sleep walking stories, my favorite is still the diaper/pillow changing event.... man that was funny as hell! You are so normal and WILL get into a groove and feel normal...with every change comes a time of adjustment, don't be hard on yourself you are doing great!

  7. Your asking when you'll feel normal? Did you before?

    His baby acne is probably dry skin. Both of my kids had the same thing, and it was always by baby blessing time- just in time to look like little freaks for their big day. Eucerin really helps- just don't try it on yourself.

    I'm glad Blaine is worried about finding the baby's air. Air is essential.

    He's a really handsome little guy!

  8. I was watching Lost last night (still in season three). Sawyer was trying to compliment Claire's baby, and all he could come up with was "He's not as wrinkly was he was a few weeks ago." I seriously couldn't stop laughing... so I'll say the same thing about Jake: He's not as wrinkly as he was a few weeks ago.

  9. Post as many pics as you want, I love them all!

  10. I love that onsie!! It's so cute!! But most of all I LOVE the Blaine stories! I really do hope he found the poor kiddos air!!

  11. Oh my goodness gracious me! He is a handsome fella! I haven't seen your blog since this post and I would to give that little guy a squeeze! And if you ask me, life will soon feel normal again (well, except better!) but it continues to be a heck of a ride :)

  12. he is so cute!!! I love the tie onesie!

  13. So cute! Love the onesie for church - love the sleep walking updates. Keep them coming!
