Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So, I didn't take any pictures Brent&Markelle, Scott&Megan, Laurel&Jason, Isabel, or the Seitzingers. I suck. Hopefully, someone else took some great pictures that I can steal from their blog. (*hint*)
We had a great time at Brent and Markelle's par-tay!
Jake's Halloween outfit. We had a not-so-big day of going grocery shopping.
Michelle and Brad. Notice a theme? I love it!

Mia, Jack and Jake.
Jake, the puppy-dog.


  1. he is so cute!!! I am so excited for next year!

  2. Ok, the mittons kill me. What a good looking little dude! Also the leggins and pumpkin beanie -- awesome!

  3. Jake couldn't be any cuter. I wish I had been there.

  4. Alicia, Jake is so cute! Thanks for the invite to your blog. I Love his costume.. I noticed he was born exactly 2 months after my twins they were born July 2nd!Babies are so fun..

  5. How fun! I think little kid halloween costumes are the cutest thing ever.

  6. HELLO! where are new pictures of your baby! it's been WAY too long
