Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well, it's all over... Ain't it a drag? I love, love, love Christmas-time. I truly do believe it is "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year"--which makes it pretty depressing once it's over, presents are unwrapped, food is digested, bellies expanded, decorations are down, and loved family gone home. Sad.

For the first time in a decade the Lees were all in Utah this year (minus Bretty, of course), and I think it was pretty successful. Hey, we even had ourselves a good-old-fashioned "White Christmas". Mom outdid herself with our traditional "Funny Santa" gifts, we indulged ourselves in the usual Mexican cuisine on Christmas Eve, Dad read from Luke II, and most of us managed to not get sick until after all the festivities.

It really was wonderful.


  1. HI!!! I told Markelle for you to send me an invite to read your blog! Every time I tried it was private!! Im so happy you messaged me!! Jake is SO adorable!! I almost cant stand it!!

    I had too much fun reading all your posts!! I know how you feel about posting so many pics of the babies.... it seems like thats all I ever talk about anymore is Crew.

    I almost peed my pants when I read about Blaine looking for Jakes air..... ya know, the stuff he breathes.... HILARIOUS!!

    Keep in touch!!

  2. Fun to see all your family together!

  3. Yeah, I think PCD (Post Christmas Depression...) is every bit as tragic as SAD (Season Affective Disorder). January's a rough month after such a lovely December!

  4. Yo Yo Yo! Don't hate! I love you and totally appreciated your call on my big b-day. I was at dinner and Australia when you called. Both were delicious, and you are the best BFF.

  5. You need to move down on 630 west because I think you would be fun for a neighbor :-)! What a beautiful family you have and I adore your sister and you. I think you are all so kind and so sweet to include me in things though my family is so far away. Squeeze Jake for me!
