Friday, April 10, 2009


Jillian Michaels is a bully.
And I love her.
She keeps beating me up everyday in my basement and I keep on going back for more. I just can't get enough of the pain, I guess.
She's pretty hard-core.
And I feel pretty hard-core when I crawl back upstairs a little more bruised and a little stronger everyday.
I'd blame Jake, but I love the little bugger and respect motherhood, childbirth, and breast-feeding too much to do that.
Speaking of "bull":
I can't help but feel antagonistic toward these "celebrity moms" who seemingly bounce back to bodacious bodies after 8 weeks of giving birth. Yeah, right. Like we believe that you are taking care of your darling baby 24-7 without a nanny or two, a wet nurse, a nutritionist, a personal trainer, and an army of beauty consultants.


  1. I'd much rather spend basement time with Bob. he makes me sweat.

  2. What IS up with those who drop their 'baby weight' in no time? Addi is 2 and I still claim to have a 'baby' for an excuse to still be hanging onto this belly bagel!

  3. I'm so glad you like them! Can't wait until we're "shredded!"

  4. Well said Lee.

    P.S. I like Bob better.

    P.S.S. I am so bummed I have 2 kids, while you only have one, and still have yet to try and "get my figure back."

    P.S.S.S. Did I even ever have a figure?

  5. Hey I noticed you were reading Hunger Games, you'll have to let me know what you think. I read it a couple months ago. Hope all is well :)

  6. Precisely put!! You kill me! I am very proud of you..but then I'm proud of you ALL the time!

  7. Love Jillian! She is such a Bi@#&. I watch her religiously on The Biggest Loser as she verbally degrades the grossly obese. I have her Wii fit game too. Cho recommended her work out video to me recently. You must be doing the same one.

    You're workin' it out - Go get em' killa!

  8. Have I told you how happy your Grammar Nit-Picks make me?? I love your slightly mean English teacher side.

  9. Good for you! I wish I could be more motivated to exercise. Instead I sit on the couch eating nachos and drinking coke at midnight!

  10. Celebrity super-moms? They aren't real. The body that hasn't been created due to the efforts of chefs, trainers, drugs, and plastic surgeons is created instead by a photo-shop airbrush. Call me cynical but I simply don't believe it anymore.

  11. Now that I've ripped on the Angelina Jolie types (yes, I hate her but am a little jealous of her body) I need to say this. Hollywood aside, way to go for working out and trying to eat right. It is healthy for your mind, body, and spirit. Way to go! Your efforts will pay off!
