Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bad News--Good News

Bad News:
I dropped my phone in the toilet (Yes. Again.) and it no longer works.
My pretty, shiny, new, red phone. Sad.
I also got somewhat stranded in Orem for a while when my car decided it was against me. Luckily, I was right by the Mazda Dealership which, luckily, is right next door to the Honda Dealership because Legacy Mazda is empty... something about embezzlement and stolen cars? Wow.
Anyway, after a brief conversation with a security guard, I hoofed it to Honda with a sleeping baby on my shoulder, used their phone to call Blaine, Bountiful Mazda, and Mazda Roadside Assistance for a tow home to Salt Lake. Wonderful Blaine picked me up and we headed home. Good thing it's still under warranty.

Good news:
Thanks to sickness that is (thankfully) over now, I am a Gossip Girl addict. You know, "You know you love me." "I'm Chuck Bass." "xoxo." Gossip Girl.
I'm reminded of what Alison told me about this show when it first started... it's everything wrong with America and everything I hate about TV... and I LOVE it.
She's right. It's awfully good.
Hey--I loathe Reality TV, so I guess this is my outlet. Yes, I am aware that I am substituting one kind of garbage for another, but at least mine has pretty clothes and is supposed to be scripted.

And the best news:
Jake and I are headed to WA tomorrow for Matty's graduation.
I can't wait. Although, we'll miss you Blaine. I promise. :)


  1. ummm, crappy about being stranded. of course the time that you don't have your cell is the time you need it the most. Glad everything worked out though!

    I am just relieved you don't like soaps, (I'm an idiot) though Gossip Girl could be headed that direction:) I love that your favorite part of the show is the clothes. probably because it totally makes sense to me.

    Have fun in WA!

  2. Wow, that sounds like a crazy day. I think I would have been crying had I been in your situation! But then I would have been carrying two little ones over my shoulder and that would have been intersting. I am glad that you got your car fixed and hope you have a great time in WA. Please tell your mom hello from me!

  3. That good news IS good news. I'm addicted to Gossip Girl too. I realize its ridiculous but can't stop watching!

  4. trouble and phone trouble is sucks. I love that you love Gossip Girl. I had to sacrifice the show long ago (too much to record on Monday nights with Chuck, Heroes, 24, and House) - but maybe this summer I will watch reruns. Its a fun guilty pleasure.

  5. I just loved reading your bad news and good news! You crack me up!!! And I am so glad that everything worked out for you!

  6. I'm just sad that there's no new Gossip Girl for ME until the new fall season... You still have the enitre Season 2 to watch!!! Let me know if you need a garbage-TV buddy!

  7. Maybe it will be sunny in WA. Have fun.

  8. Sunny? In Washington? Who is this girl?

  9. Next time you are in that situation, just ask yourself, WWJD? (What would Jack do)

  10. Oh man! No phone AND no car!!!! Two words: NO BUENO!

    I'm so sorry!!!!
