Sunday, July 19, 2009

If I ruled television...

It's no shocker that I am shamelessly addicted to TV... Aside from the Reality TV travesty and anything sport-related, I'll watch most everything--even the crap that fits into the "It's so bad it's good" category. That being said, I somewhat fancy myself a television snob in what I watch.
But that's for another conversation.
This is about the shows that got canceled too soon.
 My So-Called Life.
This early nineties teen drama made me want to dye my hair like Claire Danes and date Jared Leto. Sadly, it only lasted one season and left us all hanging with whether our heroine would choose the goofy, lovable, next-door neighbor or the mysterious, brooding hemp-wearing hunk.
Samantha Who?
The show finished its second and final season and while I don't think season two was all season one was, this show was witty, well-written, and well-cast. Anything with Jean Smart is sure to be great.
Pushing Daisies
It's whimsical, bright, romantic, funny, sharp, and well... brilliant. I cannot say enough good about this show. Unfortunately, neither could anyone else, because it was canceled after two seasons. Boo.
Firefly is an enigma; the series was so popular (after its cancellation, of course) that the DVDs sold out and a movie version was made. Apparently, Joss Whedon's genius was "too boring--not enough action" in the opening episode, so it was cut completely from the series line-up, as were several other key episodes. It's no wonder Firefly flopped on TV, but don't worry, the entire one-season-series makes it to the disc set.
This show may seem nerdy and sci-fi (and it is a little), but trust me--Captain Mal Reynolds is the new Han Solo.Ahh... Arrested Development (three seasons)...
Be still my beating heart. This show should evoke world peace, it's so great! There are rumors of a movie, but I'll believe it when I see it (or at least see that's it's "in production" on IMDB).
This is another one of those shows that's been hugely popular post-cancellation. I can't really understand how it didn't get watched... but I guess I wasn't a faithful watcher until I owned the DVDs either, so..... I digress.
This show is so awesome that it deserves two pictures.


Now that we've studied the greatness out there, let's take a look at the CRAP that's lasted too long on TV. Seriously, I can't believe people watch this stuff.
Big Brother
Let's put aside the fact that this show is named after Orwell's genius-Totalitarian Society-novel, 1984, and talk about the fact that this crap has been on the air for ELEVEN SEASONS. Wow. I don't know what else to say about this.
Girls Next Door.
Yeah, this is all we need--porn stars with an agenda. Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously, this has got to be a joke.
Oh, and Heffner has confirmed a sixth season. Yippee.
Prison Break.
This show should have been over and done with after season one (which we actually liked until the final moments when we realized the show was selling out to keep the money train rolling). How many different prisons have been busted now? And this show lasted four seasons?
Flavor of Love.
Flavor of Love 2.
I Love New York.
I love New York 2.
New York Goes to Hollywood.
New York Goes to Work.
I wish I was making all this up. I'm not. This girl really has starred in all these shows.
Apparently America loves her.
I don't get it.
Do you?


  1. Hi Alicia! I'm blog stalking. I am so sad that Pushing Daisys and Arrested Development were cut too short. And I think one of my other favorites Life is cancelled. But I have to say... I love Big Brother. Sorry.

  2. You mean to tell me that you DON'T love New York???!!! What's not to love about her? {insert sarcasm}

    Arrested Development=The shizzle my nizzle.

    And Big Brother....I don't get it either. Can you believe that my mom called me the other day and asked me if I was watching this season. Yes, you heard me right, I did say MY MOM!!! And I swear, she's not even white trash, but with her watching this show, it's questionable.

  3. I am still super sensitive about Pushing Daisies and I still want to write the ABC bastards and tell them to abide by their contract...who the crap is boobs laroo on the bottom anyway?

  4. I agree with you! Except I haven't seen Samantha Who or Firefly

    I disagree with you! I LOVE reality TV! Hells kitchen, amazing race, real chance of love...ok the last one was when I was living in Kentucky and had nothing to do but still.

  5. I am pleased to say that I am not familiar with many of the shows you are talking about. But on the positive side, to be a true Lee you must be into Arrested Development. Talk about eclectic taste? It is up there with personal family favorites such as Young Frankenstein and Les Miserables.

  6. Don't get me started on My So Called Life. That stuff was why TV was invented.

    Arrested Development is probably the funniest TV show ever. (Yes, I've included Seinfield and The Office in my rankings.)

    Have you every checked out Freaks & Geeks?

    Thats good stuff too.

  7. I will watch anything with Wentworth Miller.....I don't care how many prisons he breaks, how fat he gets, or how many times he says the SAME thing......I love him.

  8. I love you and that you are as addicted as I am! I couldn'te agree with you more about the shows that were cancelled too soon (except that one that I never heard of...Firefly?) But add to the list Eli Stone. I am sad that is over. It was good.

    And seriously, why do they keep Prison Break and not AD? It's just rude.

  9. SER-iously. While I definitely appreciate the "too soon" section of this post, I was laughing SO HARD reading through the "I don't get it"s. :) Love! Love! Love!

  10. You better believe I watch the Girls Next Door spin off show "Kendra". It's okay if you judge me for it. I have no shame when it comes to reality TV.

  11. I have no idea who that black chick is. (boobs laroo... ha!) But this post is awesome.

  12. I'll agree with you on EVERYTHING... EXCEPT BIG BROTHER. I love that garbage! I'm addicted. Call me what you will, including white trash, and that's fine.
    So, I think you should rule maybe 90% of television. (I am also loving "The Bachelorette," thanks to Kristen... in fact, it's starting right now!)

  13. Are you kidding me? Who doesn't like at least one reality TV show? C'mon, don't be a hater.

  14. But, on a different note I'd like to add that Jake is so cute I could pinch his cheeks. We NEED to meet him :)

  15. K you have been so busy. I love all your pictures of your trips. So much fun. Jake is getting so big so fast!!!

  16. Oh my gosh. I totally caught an episode of the "New York" chick. What the? Seriously! And then I caught an episode of "Charm School with Ricki Lake". I must have been seriously bored and off my rocker. Ditto on this whole post. However, I have yet to see Arrested Development even though my whole family has been into it since it was on TV. They tell me "we can't be friends until you have watched it." I'm way excited to, I just haven't.

  17. Oops... I thought Samantha Who? was over... it's almost over. Not yet.
