Thursday, July 30, 2009

There are just a few more things I'd love to hear myself say...

Egomaniac Tag:

My friend Tammy tagged me ... she joked that she can't resist talking about herself... well, me too.

What is your current obsession? Jen's wedding. Mostly the centerpieces.

What do you hate the most that everybody else seems to love? Reality TV.

What are you wearing today? Right now: still in my green sweatpants and guitar hero t-shirt. I plan on being cuter, just haven't gotten around to it yet. {It's still before noon--c'mon!}

What's for dinner? Leftovers... so either "Thai red chicken" or the sausage pasta pepperoncini thingy from the other night.

What would you eat for your last meal? Does Diet Coke count?

What's the last thing you bought? Pretty beads for me and green ribbon for Jen's wedding.

What are you listening to right now? Sleeping baby and "Las Vegas" on TV.

What do you think of the person that tagged you? I've known Tammy since the 8th grade. We were fast friends and even though we went to different high schools we stayed friends. Years later, we ended up working in cosmetics together. She is responsible for my obsession for Bridget Jones and is the reason I started seeing rated R movies. Now that I'm all grown up, we are blogging buddies thanks to Facebook. Wow 'eh? I'm pretty sure that Tammy and I are meant to be friends for life... I couldn't be happier about it. I just wish we were better at actually hanging out.

If you could have a house, fully paid for, and totally furnished anywhere in the world, where would it be? On a beach somewhere or an apartment in NYC.

What is one of your hobbies? Jewelry.

What is one way you don't want to die? Fire.

What are 3 "guilty pleasures" you indulge in? Diet Coke. Gossip Girl. Shopping--in all forms. Even grocery shopping can sometimes give me a high.

What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? My "skinny jeans" I bought for my 10-year reunion that I can now fit into again. Halle-freakin-lujah!

What is your dream job? Novelist.

Describe your personal style. I'd say classic, but I'm pretty sure I'm just boring. I think I used to have more "style". Sad.

What are you going to do after this? Shower. :) Then, hit up Wal-Mart on my way to Ang's for some girl-time and box-folding. {The Chocolate is doing a wedding this weekend!}

What is your favorite "happy hour" at Sonic? Lately the blue coconut cream slush.

What inspires you? Everything.

Who was the last person you kissed? Blaine this morning. Jake before his nap.

What are you currently reading? About a Boy.

What delighted you most today? A phone call from my Mother-In-Law.

By what criteria do you judge a person? If they are "real", positive, and their sense of humor.

What is the stupidest movie ever made? So many to choose from... but one of my favorite memories was seeing Stealth with my friend Luke. We laughed our butts off.

What was the last really great movie you saw? There's been some great movies {a lot of which I haven't seen yet... i.e. Away We Go} But, I absolutely LOVED 3:10 to Yuma. It's still the greatest movie I've seen in a very long time.

I tag everyone... You're it!

The rules: Respond and rework; answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your invention, add one more question of your own.


  1. Thanks! And stealth was hilariously stupid!! So we need to see each other. I was going through some boxes last night and found some old letters and pictures you gave me. We were so awesomely lame and in love with Rich Balfour. So obviously not awesome but now we are since we are adults and can do whatever we want. Soon!!!!!

  2. oh love this post!! You are so funny! I love reading your blog! And jake is so stinkin cute!!! AND you look fabulous!! :)

  3. Love these tags. It's so funny that you posted this cuz I was literally thinking the other day that there haven't been "tags" going around in a long time. I'm gonna have to post this one. And yes, Diet Coke for sure counts as your last meal. We've all gotta have a piece of heaven before cross over INTO heaven.

  4. Alicia! Soy Yo. Spencer Fillmore.
    I just got out the pen for selling smokes to minors, if you could have seen the tender, cute lil puppy dog faces when they asked for a smoke you would have given in too. Any who we want to invite you and yours the Honey Baked Ham Softball Classic 9 this saturday. Let me know on my blog if you all can make it.

  5. Alicia! Soy Yo. Spencer Fillmore.
    Any who we want to invite you and yours the Honey Baked Ham Softball Classic 9 this saturday. Let me know on my blog if you all can make it.

  6. I can't post and not very smart. Sorry for inflating your comment box.
