Friday, August 14, 2009

Euphony Reunion

This picture is totally blurry. Boo self timers and my own idiocy.
Anyway, I loved seeing these guys again. These are some of my old students from Euphony: the literary magazine I used to advise at Alta High School. Hanging out with this crowd made me really miss so much about teaching.
I know it sounds lame, but I'm just so proud of how great these former "kids" are doing. One already has her Associates, one is at BYU, one at the U, and two at SUU--all great students and all great people.


  1. The coolest part is that they still wanted to come hang out with you! A good teacher makes a lasting impression and you were (are) amazing.

  2. That is really cool that you could get together with them. And I agree with your mom about being an amazing teacher. How fun!
