Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mr. The Snake

Welcome to a plethora of unnecessary pictures of my kid. Come September 2nd, Jake will be one-year-old! You've gotta be kidding me. I can't believe it's almost been a year.
Some of these pictures are a little older, but I still think that they deem bloggage {yeah--it's a word.}

Crawling time...

Park time...

Bath time...

Hippo time...

Toy bin time...

A little more time for hippo
Window time...


Elizabeth Moon said...

Man, he is a cutie! I bet Gwyn will have a crush on him in twelve or so years. :)

Lamb Fam said...

I LOVE that little face! Alicia, he is ADORABLE- seriously.

Becca Jo said...

yeah he is darling! He's so cute it made me clench my teeth together.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. He's pretty darn cute.

Jessie said...

Almost ONE???!!! Where did this last year go???

Such cute pictures! i love that hippo thing!

Laurel said...

I love, love, love my Jakey! He is truly the happiest boy in all of the heavens. What a lucky momma you are. :)

LEE BIEN said...

Oh. My. Gosh. And I get to have him here with me in a few short weeks.

Alifinale said...

Love the random pics and he seriously couldn't be cuter. Time really does fly - stop it already.

Karin said...

how can you NOT blog such darling pictures?!

Christy said...

Totally bloggable. I love these posts when there's no rhyme or reason but just lots of dang cute pictures of your super cute little boy for all the world to see. :)

tammy said...

he should be a baby model. Seriously. When's that lunch date again so I don't stand you up?

Chereebee said...

oh my, he is just so dang cute!!! And what a cute smile he has!

Mom of three ♥ said...

He is a super cute kid. Isn't it crazy that he will be a year in a few weeks!

Amber Burt said...

What a doll, I can't believe he is already going to be one-crazy!!! Your pictures from the wedding are great, the flowers are really pretty-great job.

Amber Burt said...

What a doll, I can't believe he is already going to be one-crazy!!! Your pictures from the wedding are great, the flowers are really pretty-great job.