Friday, August 7, 2009

The Party's Over

John Hughes died yesterday of a heart attack.
I'll admit it... part of my Pop-Culture world just fell apart.
Sorry Michael Jackson,
but this man was brilliant.


Michelle said...

Damn you. I came to your blog to steal a picture from your party to post this exact same thing. Now it would just be lame.

Oh, and R.I.P.J.H.

Lindsey said...

You were honestly the first person I thought of when I heard the news.

Alifinale said...

Sad sad days. Truly, he made going through the angst of adolescence bearable. Now I think I need a John Hugh's movie-athon. Wanna come?

Becca Jo said...

as soon as I heard I knew a post would be coming. I'm sorry for your loss. ;)

Unknown said...

MJ had nothing on John Hughes!

Jessie said...

I heard the news this morning on my serious satellite.....and I was waiting for you to post something about it. :-)

Lamb Fam said...

Ditto to Becca's comment.

tammy said...

I saw it on the news that day and immediately thought of you. Should we wear black like when River died? Was it River we wore black for?

Rachael said...

When I heard he died, I totally thought about you!

So sad!

(K - I just read everyone else's comments (blame my lame computer for the delay) - I guess you were on a lot of minds!)

Tony and Whitney said...

Wow! I was at girls camp when this happened. I had no idea until I read this. So sad! Love that man!