Wednesday, August 19, 2009


He's learned to go down the stairs. {Although he still makes me nervous.}

He's learned to take his hippo-walker out by himself and walk around with it. {Although he still needs me to turn him around when he's hit a wall, a bookcase, or major appliance.}

He's learned to feed himself like a pro.{Although he's been doing this for a while--I think he now actually prefers his turkey and veggie bits to Mommy and the spoon.}

He's learned to scream like a banshee dying a painful death when he wants my attention. It's killing me... and I don't know what to do about it. It seriously makes me want to stick my finger in my eye, up into my brain--and swirl it around.
{Although, I guess he is communicating. Smarty-pants.}


  1. Like a banshee... That's hilarious. And hurts my ears just thinking about it! Yes, he does do that. :) And yes, he is a smarty-pants. I can't believe he's almost ONE!

  2. The down-the-stairs skill is huge. It reminds me of your dad teaching all of you how to do it. Jake has grown up so much in one short year, can you imagine what is coming next?

  3. (Quick developmental psychology trick: Once the scream gets your attention, wait for some other gesture, sound, movement before meeting his request.

    By doing this you'll slowly re-shape his methods of getting your attention to something a little less brain-meltingly loud.)

  4. Way to go! I always loved it when my kids learned how to go down the stairs....they usually fell down once and then never did again. (that was my method...jk. :) ) He is one cute kid!!! And...I can verify, very smart. You are a great mom!!! I loved being able to see all of you when you were in california.

  5. Please refrain from sticking your finger in your eye and swirling it around. You have beautiful eyes! However, I can say that I know exactly what you are saying. He is getting so big and just as cute as ever!!!

  6. Thanks, Ben-- will do. My brain is melting away.

  7. like the new header. Thanks for the warnings.

  8. I really don't know what you are talking about...I don't think he screams like a banshee, but then again I was exposed to THE screamer himself for years so I am numb to all high screeching sounds:)

    Have I told you lately I love Jake. He is beautiful, adorable and loveable!

  9. I literally just laughed out loud at your last sentence. It was actually a guffaw. Pretty scary huh? But that was pretty dang funny.
