Sunday, September 13, 2009

We have a Walker!

Well, our little boy isn't so little these days. He's a year old. He's hilariously busy. And now, he's a walker.
These pictures aren't great. Blaine and I had to take turns helping our walking boy and holding the camera.
Man, we love this kid!

{Coming soon: pictures from our Washington trip and Jakey's birthday party.}


Scott and Megan said...

yeah for little jake man! We ADORE him and love watching him grow and change. It just seems to be happening too damn fast! He is going to be running all over before we know it! Thanks for sharing him with us and your house with all the family in town. Scott and I love you guys sooo much and can NEVER spend enough time with you! much love! xo

Markelle said...

how cute! he looked like he was having a blast! super adorable kid guys!

Jessie said...

How fun you guys! What a fun milestone! He is so stinkin' cute too!!

Karin said...

Awww:)Nice documenting, and I love that he's in a onesie so you can see the chubby thighs:)
he and Seneca are just rightt on track with each other!

Lindsey said...

His cheeks are just delicious! Wow. Alicia, I hope you know what a hot mom you are. Seriously, woman.

Becca Jo said...

He's so freaking cute. I wanted to come to the party but things were crazy that day. I hope it was fun!

tammy said...

Fun! he looks so happy.

dxeechick said...

so exciting and cute!

Alifinale said...

YAY! I think there is nothing cuter than a little just learning to walk. Those wobbly steps are the best. Good thing I feel this way because Sage has been doing that for a month now but still prefers to crawl.

Jen Carter said...

How awesome! I remember when he started crawling in New Mexico when we were all there...that didn't seem like that long ago! How fun!

Michelle said...

It is crazy how big he is getting! I love it!! Hopefully he can show Kaiya the ropes in a few months here.

Laurel said...

Oh, I love him. <3

Mom of three ♥ said...

How cute! They are so fun to watch when they first start walking.

dxeechick said...

BTW I was just looking a little more closely at your pictures and you are like the hottest mom ever. XOXO

Chereebee said...

hooray! How exciting!! I love when they start walking!

LEE BIEN said...

I'm so glad we got to be there for his first steps. Oh man, we love our Jake.

Amber Burt said...

Too cute, you look way cute too in the background! One year olds are so fun, I love watching them develop their own little personalities.

Anonymous said...

After 17 comments, does it even matter anymore?
Maybe. Congratulations! He's so friggin' cute.

Christy said...

No way! Really? That is so amazing! Yay Jake!