Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Family Pictures

It's that time of year again... the time when I worry way too much over Christmas card pictures.
This year's a little different, as I am about three months pregnant, and gaining weight as I type.
So, here we go... the annual Carter photo shoot. Thanks, Laurel--these are awesome!

These jacket pictures are just for fun. I couldn't resist a leather family picture.

Jake loved grabbing my earring. Always fun.

Jake and Daddy.

The "Fonze" shot.

Making Jake laugh.
{It's usually pretty easy.}

I'm pretty sure this is the winner.
Merry Christmas... er, I mean, Halloween. :)


  1. The ninth one down is my favorite....even though you've already picked a winner....things could change, you never know :) and yes Laurel, great job!

  2. Jen, that one is my second fave. I'm just vain and like myself in the last one more. :) And, yes, things could change.

  3. WOW you have a beautiful family Alicia. Your little Jake is a doll. I love them all ,and they are turned out so good! Congrats on baby #2 :-)

  4. I know about the Christmas card thing. I've already got mine designed (not my me! by my friend) Now If I could just get my hubby home for a picture! ;) I like your pics! cute

  5. I know about the Christmas card thing. I've already got mine designed (not my me! by my friend) Now If I could just get my hubby home for a picture! ;) I like your pics! cute

  6. I love the winner and the rest. You are a good looking bunch. You don't look a minute pregnant - but I hear ya. I swear I can't wear normal pants after 6 weeks.

  7. Those are very cute! And you can not even tell that you are 3 months pregnant, you look great!

  8. I can't wait to get a new pic of the fam to replace last years that I still having hanging on my board.
    These turned out great. Jakey is such a ham, I love his little smirk.

  9. I'm so glad these turned out the way you wanted them to. =) And I am very, VERY envious of your killer camera. Love the last one! You look so pretty!

  10. they are all wonderful! I am always impressed with Laurel's photo shoots! It doesn't hurt when the subjects (you and your cute lil; fam) are adorable! See you soon!!!:)

  11. btw, can I just send out a picture of YOUR family for MY Christmas card? I'm just sayin....

  12. Lookin good! Katie was going to take our Christmas pictures, but is unable to come up guess who is next in line? you! ppppplease?

    anyhoo- cute pics!

  13. You have some keepers! I especially like the one that you have picked to go on your card and Blaine and Jake's tribute to Fonzie.

  14. I love Jake's ridiculously large smile as he is your pulling your earring hard enough to make you cry!!! I dont care about your pain, Jake's happy face is all worth it!

  15. Very very cute! I love the leather!

  16. Love the pix! Guess it helps that you guys are photogenic...

  17. can't wait to do ours too (we usually work the cat in - and its always a little weird/funny)

    all of yours are grrrreat!
