Sunday, November 1, 2009

To My "Potter Pals"... You Know Who You Are

Okay, I get it: The whole "Harry Phenomenon".
And I totally dig it.

Since Labor Day, I have read all seven of J.K.'s books and I am devastated that it's over.
Fellow "Pals", I admit that I thought your series was a little over-rated. And, while I was a Potter-watcher {or "Wotcher"}, I can now say that what I really was (and what my little brothers un-lovingly refer to as) a "Potter-Poser".
Well, that's all over now. I am a true believer. These books seriously rock.

Ms. Rowling, you are a genius.
Thank you for making me dream of nothing else but Chocolate Frogs, Hogwarts Express, Firebolts, Snitches, Centaurs, Elder wands, Dementors, House Elves, Snakes, Pensieves, Occlumency, Horcruxes, Pumpkin-juice, Butter-beer, Diagon Alley, Prophecies, Owls, and Invisibility Cloaks.
Maybe now, I can get a good night's sleep; one without worry about which Weasley is going to die. {Poor Fred.}

But, what am I going to read now?


  1. Haha, I went through the same process a couple of years ago. They ARE really good! Laurel's the one who talked me into reading the Twilight books and yep, I loved those, too!

  2. I remember being SOOOO embarrassed when I first started reading Harry Potter. Seriously, great books though :) And, yes, that was a Calamity Jane reference! (a little embarrassed about that, too...)

  3. Well now maybe I need to borrow all Matt's books! Except that I know most of the "who dies when" spoilers... Oh, well. Now you need to read more young-adult-fantasy-fiction, that being The Mortal Instruments 3 books I have for you. :) Just let me know when you're ready!

  4. I am so glad you have seen the light! #7 was my favorite. I locked myself in my house and didn't leave until it was finished. I wish it was all real.

  5. Makes me want to read the books. Grant is always telling me I should, but I just haven't. I shall start, I have been looking for some books to read.

  6. Merlin's Beard this makes me so happy!!...*sigh* some more like books. Jenesse just finished the Bartimaeus Trilogy and LOVED them! I am personally in love with the Artemis Fowl Series. Right now I am in the middle book of the Hunger Games's amazing. Hopefully that can tie you over for a bit. :)

  7. I was only a few months behind you....but I'm so glad I read them! I was really sad when they were done too...I almost picked up book 1 again and started over.

  8. What?! Fred dies??? A little known fact. Everytime I get a chai latte from Starbucks I pretend it is pumpkin juice. Don't tell anyone though!

  9. It's true. You enter a new world when reading those books. It is so fun and the movies, while beautiful, don't do it justice. I remember when reading them I would go to work and think about putting spells on people and such. So happy you found the love.

    Have you read the Goose Girl series? Or Princess Academy by Shannon Hale? Just finished that and it is also very good. Not as addicting as Harry but a good read nonetheless.

  10. I quite agree. And I read them all in a row through the 6th book and was so mad I had to wait for the 7th. But when the 7th came out, I didn't read it for probably 6 months after. I didn't want it to end. Ditto, ditto, J.K. being a genius, to being mad that it's over, to thinking it was overrated and having to "eat crow" when I finally read them and realized the books were seriously a "phenomenon". True art. But I'm sorry to say I have no advice for you about what to read next. I haven't found anything that compares. Not even Twilight. Sorry. Twilight was entertaining, but HP blows Twilight out of the water.

  11. great post, maybe now we can all go to Hogwarts together!

    I hate being a rotten muggle.

  12. Hail to the Potter series. I can honestly say that these books turned me back on to reading! we had the opportunity to read each and every book in the series as a family. One of the best experiences of my life. It has been an enjoyable journey. Somehow, each book came out right when we were to take a long road trip somewhere. I remember reading "Half Blood Prince" while driving back from Michelle's wedding...driving along the coast...winding roads, fog,sheer cliffs and creepy trees all added to the ambiance of the "search for horcruxes"....I totally put myself in the story and have never been the same. We all took turns (while we weren't driving) reading chapters. It was a blast! Thanks for bringing back those memories!
    Larabelle :) (PS: Devyn loved the Uglies series...kind of juvenille, but fun!)
