Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Annie + Curt = True Love

Last weekend was great. Annie and Curt got married in the St. George temple and everything was beautiful... the dress, the weather, the flowers, the dinner, the ceremony, the bride, and the groom.

Annie is seriously the fastest and one of the best friends I've ever had. We were thrown together as roommates (lived together for almost four years) and have been BFFs ever since. I love this girl and am so happy she found someone as amazingly awesome as she is. Curt is a lucky man and I can't wait to see their life together begin to unfold.
(Now, Candice and I just need Annie to move to SLC ASAP.)

Blaine, Jake and I had a wonderful time with Candice and Dave (thanks again!), and we even got in a little frozen custard while we were there.
It was the perfect kick-start to our Christmas vacation.

The happy couple.
I always love the just-coming-out-of-the-Temple pictures the best.

Annie--the beautiful bride.

Jake was in heaven running across all the lawns.

Me. Annie. Candice.
I love these girls and am so happy we are still buddies.

Dave and Candice.

Blaine and Jakey. This kid adores his daddy.


  1. So I don't know these people, but i LOVE how the groom is checkin' out his giddy little bride in that first picture. So sweet!:)

  2. Happy. Happy. Happy. I love Annie and I'm so glad you were able to support her on her perfect day. By the way, Jake is pretty cute smiling up at his daddy.

  3. What? That was our old email address and it was supposed to be a post from Lee Bien. However, I'm still happy for Annie.

  4. Oh my gosh. Will someone teach me how to use a computer?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Beautiful pictures and cute pics of your little Jake and his daddy! I love pictures of my kids and Lance.

    And DeAnn your so funny! :)

  7. I think it is awesome that you attended. What a great friend you are! I am so happy for Annie too! That little Jake is getting and looking so grown up, maybe it's because I am realizing he is soon to be a big brother! WOW! Have a great Christmas with the Carters!

  8. oh my gosh, Jake is such a cute little man!

    p.s. How many times do we have to teach mom how to use the computer?

  9. weird. like super weird. my bestie was their photographer and she loved doing their pictures! why is the world so tiny, and yet i never see you?
