Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am really starting to get hurt feelings that my son prefers his daddy.


  1. I totally prefer you over Jake's daddy.

  2. Ha. At least your confession isn't:
    I cried watching Conan last night.

    My life is pathetic.

  3. I also prefer you over Jake's Daddy. No offense to Blaine- but the guy falls down...

  4. Before you know it, Jake will prefer you. Crew has a new favorite person everyone other month I swear.

    If all else fails, give Jake Oreos, he might change his mind.

  5. Don't be ridiculous! NO ONE prefers Blaine over you! Except of course if it involves raiding. In that case, Blaine is my man.

  6. use it! Make sure Blaine does the bathing and the putting to bed and the changing of the diapers. When he gets hurt does he really want Blaine more than you?

  7. Why do you think I sent Brian back to Germany? I get Spencer all to myself to cure him of that exact same thing! I get you girl, I totally do.

  8. Well then that just means Sarah will only want you!!! I don't mind that Blaine guy, though. I can kinda--and I only mean kinda see where Jake's comin' from, maybe? He can pirate me anything I want.

  9. It's a stage every baby goes through. They totally know what they are doing. Ignore Jake when he acts like he prefers Daddy. Then you show that he has no power over you. It will freak him out and he'll be back preferring you to Blaine. I think. :)

  10. I feel your pain, Alicia. Only it feels even more "offensive" when your son is actually 4-yrs-old and can really weigh/rationalize things more. And STILL he prefers Daddy. And reminds you about it often... ;)

  11. I soo know how you feel. And it's hard to admit my feelings are hurt!! He'll come around and then you will love every minute of it when he reaches for you.
